Workspace Settings and Details

Support Note
These instructions outline settings within a Bluescape workspace. Administrators looking to configure their team’s workspace settings can see Administrative Functionality in Bluescape Home for more information.

Settings within a Bluescape workspace

To access the Workspace settings menu within the Bluescape workspace:

  1. Open a Bluescape workspace.

  2. Select the :more_options: (Workspace settings) menu from the top.


  1. Hover over the setting you would like to adjust. Some options have an expandable context menu where multiple settings or options are available.

Use the following selections to configure your workspace.


From Help, the following menu options are available:

Option Description
Keyboard shortcuts Opens a complete list of keyboard shortcuts in a Bluescape workspace.
Launch tour Starts a guided tour on how to use Bluescape.
Start creating… Launches a menu that walks you through creating content and connecting with other Bluescape users
What’s new? Opens a pop-up giving you an overview of the most recent updates to Bluescape.*
Bluescape Community Takes you to the Bluescape Community, where you can learn about features within the workspace, ask questions, and connect with other users and the Bluescape team.*
About Bluescape Opens a pop-up with links to the Bluescape Terms and Conditions, Bluescape’s Privacy Policy, and Third-Party Terms and Conditions.*

*These Help options are also available from Bluescape Home, meaning you can always find support no matter where you are.

Rename your workspace

When you select Rename, a pop-up appears, allowing you to rename your workspace.

Note: The option to rename a workspace is only visible in your :more_options: (Workspace settings) menu if you are the workspace owner. Alternatively, selecting the workspace title beside :bluescape_home: (Bluescape Home) in the top-left of your workspace enables edit mode for quick and easy renaming of your workspace.


The Background menu option allows you to toggle the appearance of your workspace between the Light and Dark themes.

Note: The option to change the workspace background color is only visible in your :more_options: (Workspace settings) menu if you are the workspace owner. Any changes are experienced by all users when accessing that workspace.


Selecting the Favorite menu option adds the current workspace to your favorites for quick access from Bluescape Home. This setting is helpful for those working with a large number of workspaces.

View settings

Hovering over the View settings menu option opens an expanded context menu where you can customize how you view workspaces.

There are five view settings you can manage:

If multiple workspaces are already open, the changes only impact your current workspace. However, any view settings you apply carry over the next time you open any workspace.

Snap to

This option allows you to customize how you organize content in the workspace. Choose the best setting based on your preferences for adding objects to a workspace.

There are three options available:

Option Description
Guides Purple guides appear when moving content to help you evenly space and align objects.
Grid Workspace objects align to the background grid. Using this option is best when you have the background grid enabled in your View settings.
None Workspace objects move freely, not aligning with other workspace elements.


The Navigation menu enhances flexibility for Bluescape users across multiple devices, allowing them to switch inputs for various scenarios easily. Users can specify their device, such as a mouse or trackpad, or configure settings specific to a tablet. Bluescape can be set to auto-detect the navigation device or manually configured by the user. Available options include Auto, Mouse, Trackpad, and Touch.

See Bluescape Workspace Navigation Guide for more information on workspace navigation.


Bluescape detects when a stylus or drawing tool has been connected to a workspace and allows users to select whether it should act as a drawing tool or a pointer. The options menu includes Always draw or Act as pointer selections.

When in Always draw mode, users can still select any element (lines, shapes, notecards, etc.) from the workspace toolbar and add it to the workspace using the stylus.

Tap on the toolbar or an object in the workspace. The object or tool selects, temporarily overriding Always draw.

Interface scale

Adjust the size of the workspace toolbars, making them larger or smaller to your liking. From the Interface scale option, select your preference. Interface scale adjustments can also be made using hotkeys. View Keyboard Shorcuts for a list of hotkeys.

Interface scale

Image/video size…

This lets you set your image and video size preferences when adding multiple image and video assets to your workspace.

Option Description
Matching size Ensures multiple images and videos upload as a uniform size
Original size Ensures the upload of different-sized photos and video content remains their original size in the workspace

For more information, see Placing Assets in a Workspace.


This feature allows you to search for assets in a workspace by canvas name or by everything.

For more information on searching within a workspace, see the Search heading in Workspace Overview.


Select this option to view a complete list of comments you and your collaborators have added to your workspace.

For more information, see Commenting on Assets.

Activity Feed

The Activity Feed shows you who did what in the workspace with accurate timestamps and workspace locations. The feed contains activities related to workspace objects only and is only available to team members.

For more information: Workspace Activity Feed


Within the Collaboration menu, you have several options:

Option Description
Send to wall Opens the window to enter a 5-digit large display pin.
Laser pointer Launches the laser pointer tool.
Lead Allows you to take the lead in an active meeting.
Meet now… Launches a meeting in your Bluescape workspace.
Invite… Allows you to invite new collaborators or viewers to your workspace.

Note: All five collaboration options may not be available to you depending on your workspace role, plan, and team settings. If you are unsure why an option is unavailable, please reply to this topic.

Exit workspace

When you select this option, the current workspace closes, and you return to Bluescape Home.

Workspace settings from Bluescape Home

You can manage individual or multiple workspace settings from the Bluescape Home page.

  1. Go to Bluescape Home.

  2. Select :more_options: (More) from the lower right of any workspace.

  3. Hover over the setting you would like to adjust.


Use the following selections to configure your workspace.


Invite team members or other collaborators into your workspace.

Learn More: Sharing Your Workspace

Open in a new tab

Opens the selected workspace in a new tab, allowing you to keep Bluescape Home open in your current tab.


You can duplicate any workspace you own. Once the duplication process is complete, the original and workspace copies are visible in the workspaces list. It could take a few minutes to generate the workspace copy based on the size of the original workspace. You will receive an email notification informing you that the new workspace is ready to be used.

Note: Collaborators from the original workspace won’t be included in the duplicate. You’ll have to invite them if you want to include them manually. For more information, see Sharing Your Workspace.

Send to wall

Users with editing permissions to the workspace can send their workspace to a large display by selecting Send to wall and entering the 5-digit pin on the large display.



Workspace settings are made up of the following:

  • Workspace name
  • Owner
  • Team
  • Description

Only workspace owners can edit workspace settings; however, anyone with access to the workspace can view the settings.

Editing workspace settings

  1. Locate a workspace you own on the Bluescape Home page.

  2. Select :more_options: (More).
    Workspace tile

  3. A context menu opens. Select Settings.

  4. The Workspace settings pop-up opens.


  5. From here, you can modify your workspace settings.

  6. When finished, select Save changes.

Changing a workspace owner

Workspace owners can quickly transfer ownership to another member of the team.

Note: If a member is removed from the team, their workspaces are transferred to the team owner. For more information, see Team Roles.

To transfer ownership of a workspace:

  1. From the Workspace settings window, select the Owner field.

  2. A drop-down menu opens. Select a new workspace owner.

  3. Select Save changes.

Moving a workspace to a different team

You can quickly move a workspace from one team to another if the following conditions are met:

  • You are a member of two or more teams
  • You own the workspace you are trying to move
  • You are a member of the destination team

To move a workspace to a different team:

  1. From the Workspace settings menu, select the Team drop-down.

  2. Select the team you’d like to move the workspace to.

  3. Select Save changes.

Select Multiple

Workspace owners can Archive, Move, or Delete multiple workspaces simultaneously. To select multiple workspaces:

  1. On a single workspace tile you want to include in the group, select :more_options: (More).
  2. Select Select multiple on the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the box next to the workspace name of each workspace you would like to include. You know it is included in the group selection when the box is blue with a white checkmark.


Archiving a workspace does not remove it from the database or affect the data within it. Archiving hides the workspace, making it inaccessible to members via searches. As a result, an archived workspace can be recovered by Bluescape Support.

Once you select :archive: (Archive) from the menu, a pop-up window opens confirming your choice, then select Archive.
Archive workspace demo


To move the workspaces you multi-selected to another team:

  1. Select :move_workspace: (Move) in the toolbar.

  2. The Move workspace pop-up window opens. Use the Team drop-down to select the team where you want to move the workspaces.

  3. Select Move workspace to confirm the action.

A confirmation message displays. Navigate to the destination team to confirm that the workspace is present.


Deleting a workspace removes it from the database and all its associated data. As a result, deleted workspaces can not be recovered. If there is any chance you might need the workspace again, archive it rather than delete it.

To delete workspaces:

  1. Select :delete: (delete) from the toolbar.

  2. Select Delete workspace to confirm your choice.

  3. The workspace is removed from your workspaces list and team and cannot be recovered. A confirmation message appears in the portal.


If you are the workspace owner, the rename function allows you to give your workspace a new name. Once you’ve added a new name, select Rename to save your changes.

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home:

Is there a way to make my workspaces default to light background or do I have to change it manually every time? Thanks

Hi @Linda_Campbell1. Is your display mode set to Light mode?

When you change your display mode in your personal preferences, the color of menus, tools, and the background of any new workspaces you create will reflect the theme you select. However, existing workspaces will retain their original background color.

This topic has more information and takes you through the steps to change your color theme/display mode. :slight_smile:

As usual, you nailed it @kristeno ! Thanks, I don’t know how I missed that…I did actually go to the settings area in my profile but didn’t scroll down below that section. Thanks again!.