Workspace Canvas Functionality

You can get creative when using canvases to organize content in a workspace. Learn how to edit, nest, link, hide canvases, and more to level up your workspace. If you have not added a canvas, start with How to Create a Canvas.

Editing a Canvas

You can edit various aspects of a canvas, including:

  • Title
  • Size
  • Background color
  • Border color
Select here to learn how

Open editing options in the canvas toolbar

  1. Select the border or title of the canvas you would like to edit.

  2. Once selected, a toolbar appears at the top of the canvas.


  3. The options are:

Icon Description
:text_color: Change the background color, border color, and opacity. Choose from the default colors or add a custom color.
:layout: Change the canvas size to an available format.
:hide: As a workspace owner or facilitator, hide the content of the canvas from workspace editors, commenters, and viewers.
:present: Bring the canvas content into presentation mode.
:pin: Locks the canvas to its current workspace location.
:comments: Add and view comments on the canvas.
:more_options: View and select additional actions available based on the workspace object.

Change the canvas title

There are two ways you can update the canvas title.

Option 1:

  1. Hover your cursor over the canvas to display the title box.

  2. Double-click or double-tap the canvas title box at the top left.

  3. A cursor appears in the box, bringing it to edit mode and allowing you to update the title.

  4. Click outside the canvas to save your changes.

Option 2:

  1. Select the border or title of the canvas you would like to edit.

  2. Select :more_options: (More) on the canvas toolbar.

  3. Select Properties, then Rename.

  4. A cursor appears in the title box, bringing it into edit mode and allowing you to update the title.

  5. Click outside the canvas to save your changes.
    Note: A canvas can exist in the workspace without a name. If you prefer this, clear the default canvas name in edit mode.

Nesting Canvases within Canvases

Nesting canvases help create a visual hierarchy of information in your workspace. Either create a new canvas around existing content or reposition smaller canvases in a larger one.

Nesting a canvas

Note: Nesting canvases will not change their order when using :search: (Search) to find canvases in your workspace.

Using Canvas Links

Every canvas has a link associated with it. You can use these to connect objects or share specific canvases. Linking objects, like canvases, together creates quick navigation around or between workspaces. While sharing the link provides workspace collaborators direct access to the canvas.

Select here to learn how to access a canvas link
  1. Select the border or title of the canvas.

  2. Select :more_options: (More) on the canvas toolbar.

  3. Select Copy as, then link.

4. A confirmation message appears.
5. Share or paste the link as needed.
Note: If a member is not a designated workspace collaborator, they cannot access the canvas.

Copying versus Duplicating a Canvas

Duplicating a canvas allows you to create an identical canvas in the same workspace as the original. Copying enables you to re-create a canvas in the same or different workspace.

Learn more:

Resizing a canvas

To resize a canvas, hover over the canvas border. Click+drag it from the sides or corners to resize any canvas in one easy step.

Resizing a canvas

Note: As you adjust the canvas to your preferred size, ensure each asset is within the visible boundary designated by the anchor points. Any asset that extends the boundary is not part of the canvas and, as such, remains stationary when/if the canvas is moved.

Press and hold the Shift key when resizing to maintain the aspect ratio. For more information, see Maintain Aspect Ratio when Resizing

Deleting a Canvas

When you delete a canvas from the workspace, the contents will be automatically group-selected to either continue deleting or move the content to a new location.

Select here to learn how
  1. Select the border or title of the canvas.

  2. Click backspace (Windows) or delete (Mac) on your keyboard or :more_options: (More) on the canvas toolbar.

  3. If you open the :more_options: (More) options menu, select Delete.

  4. The canvas is removed from the workspace, and the content is group-selected. Either move, unselect, or delete the selected content.

    Note: If you inadvertently delete a canvas, you can select the :undo: (Undo) icon near the bottom left of the workspace to restore it.

Hiding and Revealing a Canvas

Workspace owners and collaborators with the Facilitator workspace role can hide and reveal canvas content for presentation purposes.

Important note: This feature is not intended for security purposes but for presentation and facilitation purposes only.

Select here to learn how

Hiding a Canvas

  1. Select the border or title of the canvas you want to hide. The canvas toolbar appears.

  2. Select :hide: (Hide) on the canvas toolbar. An icon appears next to the canvas title, indicating that the canvas content is hidden from collaborators with the edit, comment, and view roles.

Reveal canvas content

  1. Select the border or title of the hidden canvas you want to reveal. The canvas toolbar appears.

  2. Select :hide: (Hide) on the canvas toolbar. The icon disappears from the canvas title, indicating that all workspace collaborators can now see the canvas.
    Hiding and revealing a canvas (1)
    Note: The :hide: (Hide) icon is not interactive. It is merely an indicator.

Searching for a Canvas

When multiple canvases exist in a workspace, you could find yourself panning through a lot of content. Use :search: (Search) to quickly find necessary canvases.

Select here to learn how
  1. Select :search: (Search) located near the top left of the workspace. The Search panel opens.

  2. Select the Canvas name from the available list or enter this reference in the Search field.

  3. You also can select :filter: (Sort) to organize your search by Created Date, Name, and Color. You must select this icon to reveal the Sort By field.
    After you select a canvas, the workspace automatically adjusts the viewing window to center the canvas.

Try these canvas functions in your workspace today!

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home:

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