Linking Objects Together in a Workspace

Linking objects together in a workspace allows you to easily transition between objects in the order you wish the objects to appear. This feature can be used for presentations, design reviews, meetings, etc.

Almost every object in the workspace has its own URL, which you can copy and link to another object right from within a workspace.

Select the dropdown for a full list of supported objects
Object Supports In-Workspace Hyperlinking
Canvas :white_check_mark:
Images :white_check_mark:
Videos :white_check_mark:
Shapes :white_check_mark:
Text Box :white_check_mark:
Notecards :white_check_mark:
Documents :white_check_mark:
Embedded Webpages :white_check_mark:
Smart Grid :white_check_mark:
Strokes :x:
Connectors :x:
Icons :x:

Linking One Source Object to Another Target Object

How to link a source object to a target object:

  1. Identify the source object.

  2. Navigate to the target object and select the object. The context menu will appear.

  3. Select :more_options: (More), then select Copy as > Link. The object’s URL will be copied to your clipboard and a confirmation message will appear.


  4. Navigate back to your source object and select the source object. The context menu will appear.

  5. Select :more_options: (More), then select Link to.

  6. Paste the copied link into the field.

The video below links object A (source) to object B (target). Use the navigation icons, forward and backward, to transition between linked objects. The system understands the size of the linked objects and brings the objects into your viewport upon transition.

Linking one object to another

The order of your transitions is saved on a per-session basis. If you leave or refresh the workspace, you will not see the back navigation button in your sequence.

For example, if you navigate from object A to B, then leave the session or refresh your workspace and start a new session, you will not be able to trace back from object B to A.

Note: If you’re in leader/follower mode, followers will not be able to see the leader’s back button. The back navigation button will only be visible to the collaborator leading the workspace.

BluePro Tip: Following the steps above, link object A to object B. However, you can continue linking more objects in a sequence. For example, link object B to object C, object C to object D, and so on, resulting in a sequence of linked objects to transition backward and forwards.

Explore different ways to use this feature: Two Ways to Use Workspace Hyperlinking.

Linking Multiple Source Objects to One Target Object

You can link multiple source objects to one target object in a workspace, as demonstrated in the video below.

Linking multiple objects

The path you take forward determines the traceback navigation using the back button.

For example, say you have two source objects, A and B, linked to one target object, C. You begin with object A and transition forward to object C. The back button will trace you back to object A. Similarly, if you begin at object B and transition forward to object C, the traceback navigation will recognize the new path, and object C will trace back to object B.

Updating/Removing Links on Objects

You can update or remove the URLs of previously linked objects.

To update links on objects:

  1. Copy the URL of the new target object you wish to link the source object to.

  2. Navigate to the source object you want to update the link for. Select the object. The context menu will appear.

  3. Select :more_options: (More), then select Edit Link.

  4. Paste the copied link of the new target object.

To remove links on objects:

  1. Navigate to the object you wish to remove the link from. Select the object. The context menu will appear.

  2. Select :more_options: (More), then select Remove Link.

  3. The link is now removed.

Note: Links are removed automatically for any target or source object that has broken links or deleted objects.

You’re ready to open your workspace and link objects together! :bluescape_home:


Bluescape also has keyboard shortcuts so you can set up multiple linked objects faster:
Copy link
Link to