Adding Custom Templates to a Workspace

Support Note
Custom templates are a premium feature. If you’re unsure whether your Team has this feature/capability/integration, please reach out to your IT department.

Templates illustrate common workflows with structured workspace content that can be used and re-used dynamically. You can build a custom template from a canvas. Templates are made up of the following assets:

  • Shapes
  • Icons
  • Notecards
  • Text boxes
  • Documents
  • Images
  • Animations
  • Attached/uploaded assets
  • Smart grids
  • Videos
  • Object hyperlinks

Note: You can also take advantage of the ready-made templates made by Bluescape.

To create a new template:

  1. Open a workspace.
  2. Add the assets for the template to the workspace and arrange them as you see fit. You can add a maximum of 1000 Bluescape native assets (e.g., notecards, text boxes, shapes, and strokes). You can add a maximum of 250 non-native assets (e.g., images and documents).
  3. Place the assets in a canvas. For more information, see Creating a Canvas.
  4. Select the newly created canvas, then select :more_options: (More) on the canvas toolbar.
  5. Select Create, then Template…

  6. In the Add template window, you can keep the default name of the template (the canvas name) or enter a new one, add a description, and share the template.
  7. You can share custom templates with individual members by moving the Share template toggle right to the blue “on” position. For more information, see Sharing Custom Templates.
  8. When you are finished, select Add.
    Add new custom template

The template is then displayed in the Template panel in the workspace. For more information, see Using Workspace Templates.

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home: