Bluescape Glossary

Here are some helpful definitions, many of which are links to informative posts that deepen your understanding or provide instruction.



An administrative member role, also known as the Team Admin. The Team owner can promote any member to Admin, enabling them the same purchase and Team management permissions as the Team owner.


Archiving a workspace removes it from your Bluescape Home page. Before archiving, record your workspace ID and store it somewhere safe, enabling Bluescape Support to easily recover it if you need to access it later.



Cloud-based visual collaboration software that brings together all your content in a centralized location where teams can better meet, share, and develop ideas. The Bluescape virtual workspace lets people across the room, or globe, interact in real-time.

Bluescape mobile

Bluescape’s mobile app available on iOS and Android devices.

Built-in role

Default roles provided to all Teams.



A way to contain multiple assets you can interact with on an individual and collective level. Canvases are a frame in the workspace that allows Bluescape members to segment assets into groups to present, locate, and share content better.


Any Bluescape user with access to a workspace.


A computer connected to a large touch display configured to run the Bluescape Native App.

Custom role

Member-created Team roles that combine different permissions of built-in roles, enabling greater flexibility, security, and access control.

Custom templates

Structured workspace content that can be used and re-used dynamically to illustrate common workflows.



Any workspace asset created using tools inherent to Bluescape, such as canvases, notecards, text, shapes, icons, lines, and pen strokes.



Allows you to mark a workspace with a star, adding it to the Favorites filter and recently accessed Favorites to your Bluescape Home sidebar.


A workspace feature designed for presentations that allow members to see and follow another member’s view of the workspace.



A systematic arrangement of assets - usually in rows and columns - to form an array.

Group select

A workspace feature that allows you to select multiple assets. This is useful when you want to change multiple assets simultaneously, such as moving or duplicating them.


Home (Bluescape Home)

Home or Bluescape Home is where you will find all of your workspaces and teams you have access to. If you are an admin, it’s also where you will find team settings and member lists.



A concrete occurrence of the Bluescape application. There can be multiple Teams within an Instance, but only one Instance.

Instance admin

An administrative member role that has control over what members can do at the application level. They manage Teams, Legacy Walls, SSO providers, Help items, and Broadcast messages.


Large format display

Any large touchscreen monitor (55" and above) or series of monitors configured to use the Bluescape Native Application via a connected computer (controller).


When you choose to lead a group during a meeting in a workspace, followers see all your movements and content presented.


A purchased subscription for one person to use Bluescape.


The home screen of the Bluescape Native App for large touch displays.



Bluescape’s native video conferencing tool your webcam and computer microphone to communicate virtually with collaborators.


A licensed Team member who is not an administrator or a visitor.


Property information on objects in a workspace.



Workspace assets that function like digital post-it notes. You can customize their text and color to take notes during meetings and provide feedback on project materials.



A setting indicating the workspace is only accessible to the owner and any collaborators they explicitly invite.



A public workspace setting indicating that any individual Bluescape user, Team, or recipient of a View only link can access the workspace.

Single sign-on

This allows you to sign in to Bluescape and other applications from a centralized identity provider (IDP), simplifying both member experience and management. Bluescape supports SSO via IDPs using the SAML 2.0 standard.


Freeform marking drawn using the workspace Pen tool.



A unique instance of Bluescape in which workspaces can be created and shared with all other Team members. Typically, a Team is either a specific business unit - such as a marketing department - or an entire company. Larger companies may use multiple Bluescape Teams to organize members and workspaces.

Team admin

It is an administrative member role that controls all members and Team settings. Typically, this role is filled by a high-level member of the IT department or by the individual responsible for managing the system internally.


Structured workspace content that can be used and re-used dynamically to illustrate common workflows.


Video sync

As a leader in a workspace, you can play a video, and all followers will view the video at the same rate as you. This leads to more efficient sharing during meetings and presentations.


A user who has received an email invitation to collaborate in Bluescape as a visitor, and has not yet registered with a Team.

As a visitor, they are subject to restrictions, regardless of the Workspace Role they are assigned.



A series of steps taken in a workspace that accomplishes a goal.


A virtual collaboration space used for teams and individuals. They are essentially a virtual room where you can collaborate with your colleagues on everything for a given project. Imagine each workspace as a separate container designated for different projects or audiences. It is the central repository for all your files and notes, a go-to space for video conferencing, or both.

Workspace asset

Any digital content such as a canvas, image, animation, video, PDF, Microsoft Office file, web-hosted file, website, notecard, text, shape, icon, line, or pen stroke added to a workspace.


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