Installing Bluescape on a Large Touch Display


Bluescape is available for large touchscreen displays. Users can enjoy all the workspace features they have today on their desktops on large displays, eliminating any compatibility issues that may have existed before. Read about Bluescape for large touchscreen displays.

Installation instructions

  1. Uninstall your previous wall client using the Windows Add/Remove Programs feature.

  2. Navigate to the download URL for your environment:
    a. Production:
    b. VPI customers: VPI Customers should Reply to this topic below to engage Bluescape Support for assistance.
    c. Select Download for Windows to download the installation file.

  3. Select the downloaded file and complete the installation.

  4. Return to the download webpage and select Set up application.

    a. Alternatively, you can select I want to initialize the application manually after the application has finished installing and manually enter your server hostname.
    Connect to Bluescsape

  5. The application opens with the server hostname populated. Enter a Wall Name, and select Continue.

  6. You receive a prompt to restart the application to complete the initialization.

OS versions supported for large displays

Supported OS:

  • Microsoft Windows 10+
    • Keyboard and mouse required to complete the installation
    • If no keyboard is attached, the user must enable the onscreen keyboard

Large Format Display FAQ

How do I access my workspaces on large displays?

From your computer or mobile device, you can easily send workspaces to the wall. Select the option to send to the wall within the workspace.

Can I connect multiple screens to the Bluescape for Large Touchscreen Displays app?

Yes, you can. If you require a multi-monitor setup, it is recommended to contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or reply to this topic for assistance.

Can I install the desktop and large-screen apps on the same machine?

Users can only have the desktop or large-screen app installed per machine.

Can I use app links to open or join a workspace on the large format display?

No, app links are not supported. Workspaces must be sent to the wall using the “Send to Wall” option within a workspace.

Can you share a computer screen with the Bluescape app via HDMI?

In the new Bluescape app, you cannot connect external devices via HDMI. We have implemented a new Video Stream feature that can be used to share the display of other devices.

Learn more: Adding Live Video Content to a Workspace