Managing a Bluescape Subscription

Support Note
This topic is only applicable to the Pro and Business Bluescape packages. See Bluescape Pricing for more information.

As a team owner or admin, you can manage the overall Bluescape subscription and make specific changes to your account that other team members will not have the ability to perform. For information on reassigning workspaces when someone leaves your team, see

Note: This topic covers the Administration of your Bluescape subscription. For information regarding other Administrative functions with Bluescape, see Administrative Functionality in Bluescape Home.

What is a team owner?

The team owner is the person who manages the Bluescape subscription. Their email is associated with the team’s account.

Read more: Bluescape Subscription Member Roles

What is an admin?

Once a member is added to the team, the team owner can upgrade members to an admin role. Once admin status is granted, they will have all the capabilities of the team owner. See the above topic for more information.

Team management page

If you are a workspace owner or admin, you can access your team’s management page from Bluescape Home by clicking on any of the three tabs from your Team’s page.

There are three tabs on the management page from Bluescape Home:

  • Members
  • Billing
  • Settings

1. Members

Team owners and admin can access the Members management page.

From there, the following actions can be performed:

  • View your subscription plan, including Editors (occupies a license), Editor Licenses (total licenses purchased), Next billing date, and Amount due
  • Manage team licenses
  • Upgrade/Downgrade team member roles
  • Add members
  • Search for members

Note: All members can view a list of team members from the :collaborators: (Collaborators) panel in the top right of the Teams page. Owners and admins can quickly remove members from this panel as well.

2. Billing

Only the team owner and admins can access and edit the billing page.

The Billing tab displays:

  • Snapshot of your subscription
  • Payment details
  • Invoice history
  • Add a billing admin

3. Team settings

Only team owners and admins can access this tab to upload a team image or change the team’s name.

Can I print my invoices?

Definitely! To view and print your invoices:

  1. Select the team you want to view, then select the Billing tab.

  2. The billing screen appears. Here you can select View Invoice to see a printable version. You can also update your payment information from the bottom left of this screen.

How do I add or remove licenses to my team?

Team owners and admins can add or remove licenses on their accounts anytime during their subscription, right from the Members management page. Licenses are occupied by the team owner, admin, and member roles. Visitors do not occupy a license.

Read more: Bluescape Subscription Member Roles

To add and remove members to your team:

  1. Go to the team members tab.

  2. You can view the total number of editor licenses in your subscription.

  3. If you have unassigned licenses available, you can invite more members. Select Add members, then input their email into the field and select Add.

  4. If there aren’t any more licenses available and you wish to add licenses, select Manage under Editor licenses. A dialogue box appears. Add licenses using the + to add licenses, and a new total will display.

  5. Alternatively, when you have unused licenses and you wish to remove a license from your plan, use the - to remove licenses from your subscription; the dialogue box displays your new total according to your billing period.

    Note: No refund will be issued if you remove licenses before your billing cycle ends.

How do I upgrade or downgrade team member roles?

In a Bluescape subscription, there are three user roles to assign to team members:

  • Admin - Occupies a license.
  • Member - Occupies a license.
  • Visitor - Does not occupy a license.

Upgrading Team Members

From the team management page, under Members, you can change the role of select team members. Use the dropdown menu to change the team member’s role to the new desired role.

For example, the below image displays a member role change from Member to Admin. Once you select the new role, a dialogue box will appear. Select Save to confirm your changes.

Downgrading team members

Similarly, you can remove permissions or downgrade team member roles anytime from the Members tab.

There could be several reasons why you’d wish to downgrade a member. Here are some examples:

  • The member is no longer part of the team.
  • The member doesn’t need admin status.
  • The member no longer needs access to the workspaces.
  • The member requires only viewing or commenting permissions and no longer needs to occupy a license.

Note: Once a member is downgraded to a visitor, you can reassign all workspaces that the member previously owned to the team owner.

How do I update payment details?

To update your subscription payment information and anything to do with billing, select the Billing tab.

Under the Billing tab, the account administrator can:

  1. Cancel Subscription

  2. Edit payment details

  3. See a history of previous invoices and download a .pdf of your invoice.

How do I cancel my Pro or Business subscription?

If you need to cancel your subscription, see Canceling Your Bluescape Subscription for more information.

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home:

What does it mean if “Storage usage” says N/A for my organization?

This means the storage is null on the backend. In fact this is a limitation to some of the older workspaces in the backlog to be sized, the team is working through the backlog to process them.

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