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Bluescape supports both scheduled and ad-hoc meetings. As a meeting organizer or host, you can choose which type of meeting you’d like to conduct at any time.
With every Bluescape meeting, participants can use an associated workspace to collaborate freely during the meeting. The workspace is either an existing workspace in your Team or an automatically generated blank workspace. The type of workspace you see during the meeting depends on how you (as a host) invite your participants. Let’s explore.
Hosting an ad-hoc meeting
There are two ways to host an ad hoc meeting in Bluescape:
- Host a meeting from Bluescape Home in your personal meeting room
- Host a meeting from an existing workspace
Inviting members to an ad-hoc meeting from Bluescape Home
Open Bluescape Home.
Select New meeting.
Your meeting room appears. Select the workspace in which you would like to host the meeting. Choose either a Blank Workspace or an existing workspace.
(Copy meeting URL). The meeting URL will be copied to your clipboard for you to send to attendees using your email or your preferred messaging service.
Note: This can also be done after starting your meeting. -
Select Start meeting.
Inviting members to an ad-hoc meeting from a workspace
Go into the workspace you wish to host a meeting from.
From the top right corner of the workspace, select
(Meet now).
(Meeting information) in the meeting window.
(Copy meeting URL) to only share the meeting URL, or select Copy meeting info to capture the meeting URL and dial-in numbers.
The meeting information copies to your clipboard for you to send to attendees using the Bluescape Workspace Chat, your email, or any preferred messaging service.
Note: If you host a meeting from inside an existing workspace, the meeting will be associated with that specific workspace from which you started the meeting and workspace permissions will be respected.
Hosting a scheduled meeting
Schedule meetings faster with the Bluescape plugin for Outlook. With a click of a button, the plugin populates Bluescape meeting details, so all you have to do is invite your desired participants.
Learn more: Scheduling a Bluescape Meeting in Outlook
Note: All scheduled meetings through Outlook will generate a blank meeting workspace. It will be saved automatically if that workspace is used during the meeting.
Host a scheduled meeting in an existing workspace
Open the workspace you would like to create a scheduled meeting with.
(Meet now).
(Copy meeting URL) to only share the meeting URL, or select Copy meeting info to capture the meeting URL and dial-in numbers.
Paste the meeting information in your email invitation.
Send the invitation to your desired meeting attendees.
When it’s time to meet, you and your participants select the Click here to join the meeting link from the meeting invite. This opens the meeting dialogue box in the workspace you’ve specified to meet in.
Copying the meeting URL during an active meeting
Select:more_options: (more) in the meeting tab.
Select Meeting info.
(Copy meeting URL) to only share the meeting URL or select Copy meeting info to capture the meeting URL and dial-in numbers.
The meeting information will be copied to your clipboard for you to send to attendees using your email or your preferred messaging service.
Adjusting meeting settings
- Before joining a meeting, select
(Settings) to adjust the following:
- Microphone
- Noise filter (We recommend having this on to silence background noise)
- Speaker
- Camera
- Background blur
- Select Done once you’ve finished adjusting your Audio & video settings.
- You can also toggle your camera and microphone on/off before and during a meeting.
Note: As a host, you have more controls in the meeting, including muting participants, letting people in from the waiting room, and more. For more information, see Host Controls for Bluescape Meetings .
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