Using Workspace Chat

Workspace chat provides a persistent tool to capture conversations while collaborating in a workspace. Whether you use it for Q&A during a presentation or converse with peers when curating workspace content, chatting in Bluescape will accelerate your workflows.

Accessing workspace chat

To access the workspace chat:

  1. Log in to Bluescape and open the workspace where you want to use chat.
  2. Select :comments: (Chat & Comments) in the top-right of your workspace. Switch to the Chat tab if required.

Chat interface overview

The following components are accessible in chat:

  • Chat window: This is where conversations occur. You can see messages and participate in ongoing discussions.
  • Message input box: You find a text input box at the bottom of the chat window. Use this box to type and send messages to the chat.
  • Persistent chat history: Workspace chat also has a persistent history, so your conversation stays even after the meeting.

Using workspace chat

Sending messages

To send a chat message:

  1. Type your message in the message input box at the bottom of the chat window.
  2. Press Enter on your keyboard or select :send_message: (Send) to send your message.
  3. Your message appears in the chat window for others to see.

Sharing a meeting in workspace chat

  1. Type #meet (or #meeting) in the chat, followed by the space bar. The link appears.

  2. Press Enter on your keyboard or select :send_message: (Send) to send your message.

  3. The entered text becomes a meeting link. Select the link that appears to start the meeting. Others in the workspace can select the link to join the meeting.

Adding a link to an object in the chat

You can quickly provide a link to a specific object in the workspace directly in the chat.

  1. Open :comments: (Chat and comments).
  2. In the chat box, type “#.” Text appears, prompting you to select an object in the workspace.

  3. Select the object you want to link to. The link to the object appears directly in the chat.

Mentioning users

To direct a message to a specific user in the chat, you can mention them using the following format: @username. For example, “@jane, what are your thoughts on this?” This ensures that the mentioned user gets a notification and can easily find the message addressed to them.

Blue Pro tip: Use the ‘@everyone invited’ option to notify all invited workspace members, encouraging them to join the chat!

Adding emojis

You can also add emojis to your workspace chat. Type “:” (colon) to open the list of available emojis.

Editing messages

As the message author, you can edit the messages you send.

  1. Hover your cursor over a message you want to edit or delete. The :delete: (Delete) and :pen: (Edit) options appear.

  2. To edit a message, select :pen: (Edit).
    Editing a chat message

  3. Edit the message and select Save. Note that an “(edited)” notice appears next to the message.
    Chat in edit mode

Deleting messages

Posters and workspace owners can delete messages in the chat.

  1. Hover your cursor over a message you want to edit or delete. The :delete: (Delete) and :pen: (Edit) options appear.

  2. Select :delete: (Delete) to delete a message.
    Deleting a chat message

  3. A Delete message confirmation appears. Select Delete message. An indicator appears in the chat, denoting a deleted message.

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home:


Bluescape team,

Every once in a while, you guys really knock it out of the park. This is one of those times! This Chat feature that will change the way Bluescape is used on the daily - and become closer to the end vision of what Bluescape will become in the future. With the first release of this, you guys have really deployed a well-thought-out feature that goes beyond the MVP into a fully fleshed out feature that is immediately helpful to users.

Congratulations, on this release, Bluescape! Can’t wait to try this out and see what a difference it makes in the use of the tool.

Keep up the work and the momentum!!



Thanks, @Nate! :slight_smile: We’ve made sure the team was aware of your positive reception of the feature. We’ve been using it internally for a bit now, and it’s been great to use in meetings with a large audience.

As you and your team continue to use chat, please share success stories with our community. It could spark ideas for how others could use it!