Could an in-workspace chat feature be added?

Provide an in-workspace chat (not just object comment feature) that can also be set up as chat “groups” of users. i.e., not just one chat room per workspace, but the ability to have breakout chats within the larger workspace (think breakout rooms that are limited to access controlled “sub” chats). Directed, private messages/chats would be appreciated as well.

Also, copy+paste capability inside this new chat capability.

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Hi @Nate , thank you for your feedback

I would like to inform you that chat functionality is already on our road map. Chat will first appear in the Bluescape meetings and then it will be extended to the rest of the product (including workspaces).

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This is great news! Thank you for considering this and I look forward to trying it out.

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Has this been implemented?

Hey @Meg_Watt,

The in-meeting chat feature has not been implemented in the product yet, but is still on our roadmap! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Is this a feature you’d also like to see in the product? If so, please add your vote to the topic. This helps our teams prioritize the development of features.

Also, if you have a different use case for how you’d use the chat, please let us know. We welcome any new ideas. :bulb:

We would like to use Bluescape for working groups but would need an integrated chat feature. While we do Zoom quarterly, we need interaction regularly via some form of dialog. Is there something you recommend in the interim?

Thanks for the context, @meg_watt

In the interim, I’d recommend leveraging Bluescape’s comments feature to create a dialogue among groups. :speech_balloon:

If you want to encourage a general dialogue, my recommendation is to create a canvas for the group/project/initiative, and add comments to the canvas, which acts as a “container” to hold all related objects to the project within. Example below:

Note that you can also use comments on other individual assets, not just canvases. You can keep comments focused on one object such as a text box, shape, notecard, video or image.

See example below - when commenting on an image, the pixel where you commented is remembered:

All comments in the workspace can be accessed from the :comments: (comments) button in the top right of your workspace.

Here are some resources to help you get familiar with the comments feature:


A ticket has been created: Built-in Chat Client

A ticket has been created: [Discourse] In-workspace chat feature with ability to create breakout chats/groups in one workspace

Hi Bluescape team!

Has any movement on this ‘Chat Feature’ request occurred? I see the last post is from Oct '22, so I am just checking if this is a still a planned feature? Our use cases and users are constantly asking! It would be a very welcome feature.


Hey @Nate. It’s great to hear that this is a highly requested/anticipated feature among users. :slight_smile:

Some good news from our end - our team is actively working on a chat feature to make it easier to communicate amongst collaborators in the workspace. We hope to share more on that soon! :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks Kristen -

When working on the Chat feature - can the devs please make sure that there’s an ability to “Bookmark” or link to an internal object (Object ID) much like comments? That way, if the chat conversation does revolve around an object or canvas, chat users can quickly and easily navigate there as well, while still keeping their chat visible. I think a hyperlink would work already, but if there;s an eaierway, then I’m all for it.
Just a useful feature that will make Chat all that much more valuable. And if no “link” to an object is needed, then no link is provided by the users.


Hi @Nate,

Thank you for the feedback.
I would like to inform you that (Workspace) Object linking will be supported in the Chat feature. User will be able to embed a workspace object link from the chat message input box.


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Fantastic. Thank you!

Nice! This is also what I really need. :slightly_smiling_face:

We have some great news to share to close the loop on @Nate’s original feedback! The highly anticipated chat feature is now available in your workspace. :speech_balloon: :tada:

@Jamessmith0901 @Meg_Watt

You can learn more about it here:

Try it out today and as always, please let us know if you have any feedback :slight_smile:

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