Bluescape for Government | March 2024 Release Notes

Support Note
Some features included in this release may not apply to your team. If you’re unsure whether your team has a certain feature, contact your IT department.
These changes are scheduled to go live on Friday, April 5, 2024 between 3-7 pm PST for impacted teams.


Update to reactions

Voting sessions are now more seamless with the new reactions placement on workspace content. When added, reactions are always visible on the right side of the asset, regardless of zoom level and object selection.

Learn more: Adding Reactions to Workspace Content and Exporting Metadata

Object and canvas titles

To address object and canvas titles overlapping other workspace content, titles are now in boxes that adjust based on your zoom level. When zoomed further out, titles are placed within the object or canvas. When zoomed in, they are above the object. Additionally, to create a more consistent experience, titles no longer expand further than their object’s width.

Learn more: Creating a Canvas

Template placement upon workspace creation

Place template upon workspace creation

There’s no need to start from scratch! When you create a workspace, have a template placed right away. This will help you get to work and begin collaborating faster.

Learn more: Creating a New Workspace

Updated keyboard shortcut menu

Updated keyboard shortcuts

Become a Blue Pro by leveraging keyboard shortcuts. The in-workspace menu has been updated to include all the recently added shortcuts.

Learn more: Keyboard Shortcuts

Improved text padding for shapes and notecards

The padding, or space between the border and text, for shapes and notecards has been reduced for improved usability. Additionally, the smallest font size available for these objects is 8pt to ensure all text is visible. If more text is added than the space allotted, the object will grow to accommodate the text.

Learn more: Adding Basic Shapes to a Workspace

Workspaces now use a dot grid

The workspace background has been updated to a dot grid instead of a line grid, significantly improving the user experience when placing and aligning content in a workspace. Regardless of content type, the element’s top left corner will snap to the dot grid for easy organization. If you’d like to position content freely, hold down CTRL/CMD while moving content. Users can still toggle the workspace background on and off.

Learn more: Workspace Settings and Details

Customize the interface scale

Interface scale

Increase or decrease the size of the interface scale (toolbars, activity feed, comments, chat, etc.) to suit your needs. The options can be accessed via the workspace settings menu or keyboard shortcuts.

Learn More: Workspace Settings: Interface Scale

Shortcut to open the activity feed

Catch up on what recently changed in the workspace by opening the activity feed using the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + A.

Learn More: Keyboard Shortcuts

Comment indicators

Comment visibility has been improved by displaying indicators on objects with comments. Additionally, a comment count appears for unread comments that you have been mentioned in. If you prefer to view the workspace without comment indicators, they can be turned off locally via the workspace settings menu.

Learn More: Commenting on Assets

Present an entire canvas

Presenting an entire canvas

Selecting :present: (present) from a canvas toolbar pulls the entire canvas and the content within the canvas into presentation mode. The first view of the presentation shows the whole canvas, followed by the individual views of each item within the canvas.

Learn More: Presenting Content in Bluescape

Multiple active browsers

Multiple active browsers

You can have unlimited websites (iFrames) active in your workspace when using Bluescape via a web browser, making navigating between content and building powerful dashboards easier.

Note: Only websites that support iFrame can be loaded in the workspace. Those that do not support iFrame will need to be opened in a new tab.

Learn More: Adding Browser Content to a Workspace

Modified shape behavior

Additional basic shapes have been added to the shapes menu to replace the previous ability to mirror shapes. If you would like a shape that faces a different direction, for example, a triangle, add a new shape already facing that direction.

Learn More: Adding Basic Shapes to a Workspace

Helpful Hint :bulb:

Group-selecting items is an easy way to quickly change large amounts of content in a workspace. Different options appear depending on what types of content you have selected. Don’t forget you can simultaneously resize the content after group-selecting it!

Group select to edit objects

Learn more: Group Selecting Assets

Notable Bug Fixes & Improvements

‘Everyone invited’ as a mention option for chat

When leveraging workspace chat, users can mention ‘everyone invited’ (everyone invited to the workspace) to notify users of the message you send.

Learn more: Using Workspace Chat

Bullet point and text style updates

Text styles like bold, italics, strikethrough, and highlight color will not be remembered when adding text to workspace objects during the same session. Font style and size are still ‘sticky.’

Additionally, the indent width for bullet points and numbers has been adjusted for improved text usability.

Learn more: Adding Text to a Workspace

Text on lines improvements

Adding and editing text on lines is now more seamless. We’ve refined the text controls to ensure all text styles begin the same way and lines remain behind the text when moved.

Learn more: Adding Text to Lines

Enhanced file picker for connected media storage systems

The file picker for connected storage systems has been updated to display a hierarchical folder view and a detailed view of items in a selected folder.

Learn more: Using File Picker for Ci Media Cloud

Live content renamed to “Screen Share+” :screenshare_plus:

“Screen Share+” replaces Live content in this release. This is just a name change; all object functionality remains the same.

Learn more: Using Screen Share+ in a Workspace

Undo a template

Undo the action of placing a template using the undo/redo hotkeys. Ctrl+Z (windows) cmd+Z (Mac).

Learn more: Undo and Redo an Action

Copy & paste added to right-click menu

Right-click copy and paste

The quick-access menus have been expanded to include copy and paste. This includes copying and pasting content outside of Bluescape into your workspace.

Learn more: How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Assets in a Workspace

Reactions added to canvases and browsers

The ability to add reactions to workspace objects has been expanded to include canvases and browsers. Share your thoughts on collections of content alongside individual objects!

Learn more: Adding Reactions to Workspace Content

Idle user timeout

To maintain our excellent security, if you do not interact with a workspace or Bluescape Home for 15 minutes and still have your browser open, the session times out, and you must log in again.

Note: User timeout does not apply to all Bluescape users. Contact your administrator if you are curious if idle user timeout will be enabled in your environment.

Improved diagramming with the quick connect menu

Quick connect menu

Flowcharts and diagrams are more accessible to build when using the quick connect function after placing a shape. Place your first shape and add a line from the blue node on the side of the shape. After adding the line, the quick connect menu opens automatically to allow you to select the next shape in your diagram.

Right-click paste will paste at the cursor location

Right-click paste example

An advantage to using right-click paste in the workspace is the ability to paste an object in a specified location. If you paste using CTRL/CMD + V, the object(s) are pasted in the middle of the screen. When using right-click paste, the object is placed at the cursor’s location.

Arrow key modifications

Arrow key movement

When using the arrow keys to move selected content, two increments of movement are available. The selected content moves in small increments (1/8th of a grid square) using only the arrow keys. While using arrow keys + Shift, the content moves in larger increments (1 grid square).

Hotkeys displayed on the workspace settings menu

Hotkeys in workspace settings menu

The workspace settings menu has been updated to include any keyboard shortcut available for actions included in the menu.

Learn more: Keyboard Shortcuts

Amazon icon update

The icon library has been updated to condense all AWS icons into a single category. Users may use the search function in the icon library to search for icons across all AWS sub-categories.

:bug: Bug Fix: Lines not appearing on PDF and PNG exports

An issue has been resolved where connected lines were not appearing correctly on PDF and PNG exports. Exported workspace content now appears as expected.

:bug: Bug Fix: Visitors can not move between selection and pan mode.

Visitors can now properly switch between select and pan mode if they change their navigation preference. Previously, visitors were locked in pan mode even if they tried to use select mode.

:bug: Bug Fix: Followers joining a presentation, always join on the first page.

Previously, if a user joined a workspace and followed the leader in presentation mode, the user would see the first object/page regardless of what object/page the leader was presenting. This has been resolved, and the follower now joins at the appropriate location in the presentation.

:bug: Bug Fix: Anonymous workspace access on mobile was taking viewers to the login screen

When a workspace was shared via a view-only link and used on a mobile device by an anonymous viewer, the viewer was directed to the login page instead of the workspace loading in view-only mode. This has been resolved, and the workspace will now load properly on a mobile device.

:bug: Bug Fix: Duplicating and moving groups of objects causes them to ‘jump’

The issue of grouped objects ‘jumping’ instead of moving to a new location after being duplicated has been resolved. The newly created, grouped objects now move in the workspace as expected.

Learn more: Duplicate + Drag bug

:bug: Bug Fix: Forced login loop after trying to add content

Occasionally, users were automatically logged out of Bluescape after attempting to add new content due to an incorrect cookie being stored. This issue is resolved, and users will no longer be logged out unexpectedly.

Learn more: Forced login loop after trying to add content to a workspace

:bug: Bug Fix: Presenting a single item from a canvas would present the entire canvas

Occasionally, when a user selects a single item in a canvas to pull into present mode, the entire canvas and its contents would enter present mode. This issue has been resolved; only the selected content is pulled into the presentation.

:bug: Bug Fix: Cursor not visible for canvas title box

After the recent update to the canvas UI, users’ cursors were not showing after selecting the canvas title to edit it. This issue has been resolved, and cursors are visible when entering edit mode.

:bug: Bug Fix: Autopan adjustments

Autopan has been improved to address the 'jumpiness’ previously experienced when panning content-filled workspace. The experience is now much smoother regardless of workspace size.

:bug: Bug Fix: Ability to move a pinned item by its title bar

The issue regarding the ability to move pinned objects has been resolved. Pinned objects will remain in place until they are unpinned and moved.

:bug: Bug Fix: Text color not appearing for group-selected notecards

An inconsistency was addressed for group-selected notecards where text color options were not appearing on the grouped toolbar. Users can now adjust text color from the color option on the grouped toolbar.

:bug: Bug fix: Moving an object by its title ignores alignment settings

When moving an object by its title, the alignment settings did not appear to help guide users in organizing content. This issue has been resolved, and all alignment settings are respected regardless of how an object is moved.

:bug: Bug fix: Show snapping for lines and strokes

Previously, alignment guides and object ‘snapping’ did not appear for lines and strokes. This behavior has been restored and functions as expected.

:bug: Bug fix: PDF hidden layers are shown in workspace

An issue was resolved where layers hidden before uploading a PDF to a workspace were being shown in the workspace. Now, hidden layers are respected and do not appear when the document is uploaded to a workspace.

:bug: Bug fix: Unable to open documents in embedded links

This behavior has been addressed, and users can now open documents in embedded links.

Learn more: Cannot open Documents in Embedded Links

:bug: Bug fix: Dimension bubble remains when panning a workspace

Occasionally, after selecting or resizing an element, the dimension bubble would remain visible when panning the workspace. This issue has been resolved, and the dimension bubble now disappears after resizing or interacting with the object.

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