Best Ways to Organize Your Virtual Classroom

Just as you would organize a syllabus, learning management system, or even a physical classroom, organizing your virtual workspace will help you and your students each semester. These steps will give you the tools to manage your classroom and create a synchronous or asynchronous learning space for your students.

Decide Which Direction to Build :arrow_up_down:

When setting up the workspace, your students will join; providing a sense of direction is helpful to everyone. You can build each class or topic using content tools and align them left-to-right :left_right_arrow:, top-to-bottom :arrow_up_down:, or from the center :arrow_upper_left: like a ‘web.’

Add Canvases :canvas:

Canvases provide visual boundaries for your grouped or related class material. You can share links to individual canvases, or workspace members can search for them. Build a canvas for each lecture, group project, or general class material for your students to refer back to.

BluePro Tip: Add canvases within canvases! Doing so creates visual material layers and increases how you can organize content in workspaces. It also makes it easier to search :search: for your learning content in the workspace.

Save Templates :template:

Once you have a workspace structure you like, upgrade the canvases to templates! Spend less time prepping your workspaces and maximize productivity by re-using templates for each class section.

Use Workspace Hyperlinking :more_options:

Linking objects in a workspace helps you create a table of contents with waypoints, straightforward navigation during presentations, or a learning exercise for students to complete asynchronously.

Workspace hyperlinking

Leverage Custom Colors :rainbow:

Use the color picker for each workspace tool to create a color legend for different material types, group assignments, or class activities.

Custom Colors

Time to get organizing! :muscle: Don’t forget you can select your alignment method to match your needs.

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home: