Bluescape Workspace Navigation Guide

This topic outlines using Bluescape with different input devices.

Note: Ensure the default :select_blue_: Select tool is active.

Bluescape can automatically detect what kind of device you are using (mouse, trackpad, or touch devices). To use this functionality or to manually set your preferred input device:

  1. Select the :more_options: Workspace Settings button next to the Workspace name in the upper left of your screen.

  2. Select Navigation.

  3. Select Auto to have Bluescape automatically detect your device, or select Mouse, Trackpad, or Touch (or Touchpad) to manually select the device you are using.


Quick reference guide


Here’s a breakdown by input device:


To use a mouse in the workspace:

Pan :pan:

To pan the workspace:

There are three options when using the pan feature with a mouse:

  1. Drag with the right mouse button.

  2. Hold the spacebar and drag with the left mouse button.

  3. Drag with the Pan tool in any unselected area.

Select :select:

To select an object:

  • Left-click on the object.


To move an object:

  • Drag the object using the left mouse button.
  • To move an object without it snapping to the grid or guidelines, press the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac OS).

Zoom :search:

To zoom (scroll in or out) in the workspace:

  • Easily zoom in and out using the mouse’s scroll wheel


To use a trackpad in the workspace:

Pan :pan:

To pan the workspace:

There are three ways to pan the workspace using a trackpad:

  1. Drag with two fingers.

  2. Hold the spacebar and drag with a single finger.

  3. Drag with the Pan tool in any unselected area.

Select :select:

To select an object:

  • Tap.


To move an object:

  • Drag with a single finger.

Zoom :search:

To zoom the workspace:

  • Pinch with two fingers.


To use touch/touchpad functionality in the workspace:

Pan :pan:

To pan the workspace:

There are two options when using the pan feature on a touch device:

  1. Drag anywhere that is not selected.

  2. Drag with two fingers.

Select :select:

To select an object:

  • Tap the object.


To move an object:

  • Select the object, then drag it with a single finger.

Zoom :search:

To zoom the workspace:

  • Pinch with two fingers.

Learn more about touch gestures: Bluescape on a Large Display


To use a keyboard to move objects in the workspace:

You must first select the object when moving objects using a keyboard. This must be done by clicking the object using a mouse or touching the object using a touch device.

  1. Select the object.

  2. On your keyboard, use the right, left, up, and down arrow keys to move the object(s). When using the arrow keys to move selected content, two increments of movement are available. The selected content moves in small increments (1/8th of a grid square) using only the arrow keys. While using arrow keys + Shift, the content moves in larger increments (1 grid square).
    Arrow key movement

Jump to the nearest workspace content


Do you ever find yourself lost in a sea of blank workspace on your screen? Need to get back to your nearest content? No problem. When you’re in an empty area of the workspace, a Go to nearest content button appears at the top of your screen. When you select this button, you’re automatically taken to the closest content in the workspace.

Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home:

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