Preparing for your Job Interview in Bluescape đź—’

Bluescape provides a set of tools and an empty canvas; the perfect opportunity to express your creativity, visualize your thoughts, and show interviewers what you can do.

The following guide has everything you need to know to crush your interview. You’ll be introduced to why these tools will help you succeed, and what you need to do to get started for your interview in Bluescape.

Why Companies Use Bluescape for Interviews

In the era of remote hiring driven by the pandemic, companies around the world are seeing an increased demand for effective interview tools. Bluescape allows the interviewer and interviewee to engage in collaborative discussion throughout the workspace.

This delivers an effective interview experience, where you can execute your ideas and skills through your meeting workspace – all at once.

Interviewing in Bluescape

Preparing for the Interview

At the beginning of your interview process, you will receive an email about access to the Bluescape workspace.

Step 1: Enter the Meeting Workspace

Creating a Bluescape account to access the meeting workspace is easy!

  1. Open the invitation e-mail and click on the link provided.
  2. Enter your first and last name.
  3. Create a password.
  4. Click Get Started.

You will then be redirected to the workspace titled with your name, the date of your interview, and the position you will be applying for.

Step 2: Join Bluescape Meeting

You will receive a meeting invitation from the company you’re interviewing with.

  1. Click on the meeting link sent by your interviewer.
  2. The video meeting opens. You can enable/disable your audio and video feed with the :mic: and :video: icons, respectively.

Tip: You can adjust your Audio & Video (A/V) settings by clicking the gear :settings: icon.

Step 3: Learn How to Use Bluescape

Getting familiar with the key features of Bluescape will allow you to navigate through a workspace. This will help you prepare for your interview and share your own ideas!

a) About the Bluescape Workspace

A workspace is a large digital space where you can add notes, upload documents, and remotely collaborate with others. Think of your typical whiteboard, but digital, more dynamic, and 10 times more powerful!

b) About the Bluescape Canvas

Canvases help you organize content in your workspace, much like folders help you organize files on your computer. You can find the :canvas: Canvas icon in the workspace toolbar.

Tip: Discover a canvas you want in the workspace using the :search: icon in the top left of your screen.

You can learn more about canvases here.

c) Creating Content in the Workspace

The meeting workspace is meant to be a place for you to add content and share it with your interviewer. The following tools will allow you to visualize your thoughts and translate them into the workspace.

Tip: Leverage a combination of these tools to showcase your creativity during your interview!

Draw and Erase

The pen tool is a great way to draw your ideas in the workspace. It is the digital solution of a marker and a whiteboard in a meeting room. You can use it to highlight content, add markups to assets for feedback, or draw freely.


  1. Select the Pen Tool :pen: .
  2. Select Draw.
  3. Use your cursor to draw on the workspace.


  1. Select the Pen Tool :pen: .
  2. Select Erase :eraser: .
  3. Use your cursor to remove pen strokes on the workspace.

Use the pen tool to highlight the key factors that contributed to your success in your work. This gives your interviewer a visual of what were the game-changing ideas or tasks that led to team success!

To learn more about the pen tool, we recommend viewing Workspace Toolbar.


Shapes :shapes: allow you to build flowcharts, diagrams, and more.

You can use shapes to create a process chart that outlines the last project you worked on, including how you prepared for key milestones and deliverables. This not only gives your interviewer a productive visual of how you achieved success but displays your critical thinking as well.

Learn more about shapes here.

Text and Notecards

Text and notecards can be used similar to how you might use sticky notes and free text on a whiteboard.

  1. Notecards :notecard: are good for brainstorming, color coding, and creating meeting templates. Learn more about how you can use notecards in the workspace here.

  2. Adding text :text: is helpful for taking notes in a meeting and creating labels for content. Discover how you can customize text in the workspace here.

Let’s say your interviewer asks you to outline how to plan a project for success.

Using text and notecards can help you articulate what factors you think contribute to a successful project. This showcases your planning and problem-solving strengths during the interview!

d) Following in the Workspace

When you’re in a workspace with other individuals, it’s often helpful for the group to have the exact same view of the material. Another way to think of it is allowing a collaborator to guide the group through the space. This can be accomplished by leading and following members.

To follow:

  1. Select Collaborators panel :collaborator: icon in the top-right corner of the workspace.
  2. Select Follow beside your collaborator’s name.

Success! You can now follow the actions of the interviewer in the workspace. Select Unfollow once you are done.

Tip: You can also toggle Auto-follow leader of your interviewer ON or OFF in the Collaborator’s panel.


Learn more about following or leading a workspace here.

Congratulations, you’re all set to crush your job interview. Best of luck!

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