June 2022 Release Notes Summary

Support Note
Some features included in this release may not apply to your team/organization. If you’re unsure whether your team/organization has a certain feature, please reach out to your IT department.

June has arrived! Does it feel like summer has suddenly appeared, and now you need to do #allthethings that you’ve been dreaming about during the long cold months of winter? We’ve been hard at work adding some cool features and updates for this month to enhance your Bluescape experience.


Direct Purchase of Bluescape

Teams and Business customers may now purchase a Bluescape subscription from Bluescape.com during the registration process without first signing up for the Bluescape Go tier.

Support Note
You can no longer sign up for a trial period. If you previously signed up for a free trial, your account expires 120 days after you signed up. You can continue using Bluescape for free under our Bluescape Go subscription.

Video Content Delivery :play_or_pause_button:

With the June release of Bluescape, member authorization can now be cached. This results in:

  • Reduced lag in video loading and playback
  • Access to video files for a longer duration (without iterative authentication calls per video segment)
  • Faster video asset rendering

Added Support for Additional Video File Types

Bluescape has added additional supported video formats and codecs in this release.

Support for these file formats:

  • MKV
  • AVI
  • FLV
  • WMV

Support for these codecs inside the above formats:

  • H265
  • AV1
  • V8, V9
  • MPEG2, MPEG1
  • ProRes (10,12 bits)

Slack Integration Updates Screen Shot 2021-12-07 at 11.07.00 AM

Slack x Bluescape integration?! Now we’re talking :speech_balloon:

With this month’s Bluescape release, we’ve added the ability to integrate one Slack channel with one workspace allowing members to be notified of specific actions within the workspace.


  • Ability to link and manage a Bluescape workspace with a Slack channel
  • Object-level comments sent to linked Slack channel
  • At the meeting start, send a message and link to the linked channel
  • On document upload to workspace, send a message and link to the linked channel

OpenID Connect Support

Bluescape has added the ability for members to sign up or sign on to Bluescape using the following third-party authenticator tools:

  • Microsoft
  • Google

authenticated login

Note: Users logging on to SSO-enabled organizations should not use the OIDC login flow.


Public Workspace Link Update

Bluescape now allows workspace editors to edit anyone’s link, including link expiry date and password reset, without generating an updated link for the user.

To access this functionality:

  1. Select the share icon (Share) icon.
  2. Under Public Sharing, next to Anyone with the link, select the manage icon (Manage) icon.

    Note: If you do not have a sharable link previously configured, the Manage link appears as a Set up icon (Set up) icon.

  3. The Anyone with the link screen appears. Click the edit icon (edit) icon.
  4. Make any changes required to the Expiration Date and select Save.
    edit link example

Notable Workspace Improvements

Modify opacity of background and border colors for grouped shapes

When a user selects multiple shapes simultaneously, regardless of color, the user can now modify the opacity of the background and border colors using the color picker.

  1. Select multiple shapes.
  2. Select the color wheel icon.
  3. Adjust the slider to the desired opacity.

Workspace Classification Management Tool Flow Update

Support Note
This feature may not apply to your Organization. If you’re unsure whether your Organization has this feature, please reach out to your IT department.

We have enhanced the external classification flows for some customers when it does additional Workspace Classification Management Tool (CMT) flow using customer validation servers (for example, PDP servers).

workspace classification

Where to Next?

If you’re excited about these new features, click the heart to like this topic! :heart:


Hi Support Team -

Is the “share a public link” with an expiration date (in the OP) still available as a feature? In the release I am looking at - I don’t see a ‘share’ button anymore, just an ‘Invite’ feature. Can’t find anything that looks like the dialog above. Was this deprecated?

The ability to temporarily share a workspace for a specific limited time would be handy…


Hii @Nate! In the March 2023 release, we updated the workspace layout and the “Share” button changed to “Invite”.

Through the invite dialogue, workspace owners can create a view-only workspace link and set a password and expiration date for the link. :closed_lock_with_key:

Here is the topic that explains the functionality:

Please let me know if that helps. :slight_smile:

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