Meet Now has been removed!

Our team is missing the Meet Now feature that was just removed. We use Bluescape in full screen mode on number of very large screens “the wall” in large conference rooms. Have had to switch to using windows mode now so users can navigate to Teams but it is not nearly as elegant. Hopefully you will expedite a replacement, or I wonder if you can somehow call teams or zoom from your app?

Hi @Mike_Galvin ,

It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday. Thank you for reaching out here and leaving this product feedback. One possible solution we did not discuss on yesterday’s call that I looked further into was the integration for Teams. While Teams cannot be used directly in Bluescape, we offer an integration solution where you can access a Bluescape workspace using the Teams application. Please take a look at using the Microsoft Teams-Bluescape Integration . This article has setup instructions and describes the integration process between Bluescape and Microsoft Teams. Note that you will want to utilize the public instance setup file.

Best Regards,
Cody Bentley

Our team is also missing the meet now feature. We share other software during design sessions and previously, it was seamless to join the Canvas in that meeting format and switch from the Bluescape canvas to a participant’s screen. Without it, our customers are missing part of the design process experience. Jumping to teams or zoom is a solution, but not a very clean one. Is there a plan to add this back in some way?

Hi @Jenny_Garda ,

Bluescape Meet was depreciated due to third-party changes. Bluescape is exploring other solutions to replace Meet in the future. However, there is no estimated time frame for when it will be replaced.

Best Regards,