How do you change server hostname on the MacOS client?

According to this link, I can use Manual Initialization to set the server hostname. My company has multiple servers. How do I change it? Logging out of the client doesn’t return me to the page. Deleting and reinstalling doesn’t return me to the page. It always goes straight to the client login page, which is after the server hostname page, so it seems this metadata is persisted somewhere even though I delete the application in MacOS.

Thank you for contacting Bluescape. We believe Bluescape may be using the cache from the past install. We are curious if you delete the Bluescape Desktop Application and delete all the Bluescape folders. Does it still not give you the option for the server name?

What’s the location of the Bluescape folders in MacOS? I can try deleting it.

But yeah, I’m only deleting the in the Application directory (which I assumed internally contains all metadata).

I’m on MacOS 15.2.

Can you please try the steps below?

Uninstall the Bluescape Native App from a Mac:

  1. Open the Finder app in your Dock.
  2. Select Applications in the window that appears.
  3. Locate the Bluescape App.
  4. To delete the app from your Mac, drag the app to the Trash or choose the app and select File > Move to Trash.
  5. If you’re asked for a username and password, enter the name and password of an administrator account on your Mac. This is probably the name and password you use to log in to your Mac.
  6. To delete the app, choose Finder > Empty Trash.

Yeah, this is how I’ve been trying to delete and re-install, but I can try this again…

…and done. Do you need me to re-install it?

After you have completed the steps to remove the application, please look for a Bluescape folder in the library. Delete all the Bluescape folder.

I believe on MacOS the cache resides in:

~/Library/Application Support/Bluescape


Thanks NealSr!

Deleting ~/Library/Application Support/Bluescape directory and re-installing resolved the issue. I could select server hostname again upon opening the app after installation.