Ability to change the Workspace Icons on the landing page

May we have the ability to change the workspace “color bubbles” on the main Bluescape Landing page to a different icon or emoji? And be able to sort by icon or emoji?

@eric-holt-DU, are you referring to these:

workspace icon 1 workspace icon 2 workspace icon 3 workspace icon 4 workspace icon 5 workspace icon 6 workspace icon 7 workspace icon 8 workspace icon 9 workspace icon 10

…The workspace “icons” that show on each card of your Bluescape Home page.

Yes. Those are the ones.

These would be a good option to drop in a selected png or jpeg icon.

Hey there, @eric-holt-DU & @Nate. Love the enthusiasm and peer support. Could either of you paint a picture as to how this would be helpful for your users? When/where do the current icons prove unhelpful?

Also, do you image icon upload being something every workspace owner can do, or would it be a team administrator that uploads a set of icons, which workspace owners simply select from (a pre-set list)?

i think the issue is there isn’t enough of a difference or meaning behind the icon set that the UI team has chosen to implement here. They all look the same, and are indistinguishable from one another in memory. Which, imo, is kinda the point of thumbnails. Something more… iconic (pardon the pun)… would help users quickly and visually separate their workspaces. It’s not so much they are a bad thing, as is, but I think being able to use that space for something helpful would draw a better experience. @eric-holt-DU , what do you think?


@Nate, I agree. Everything about Bluescape is a visual. I would use the change icon feature to visually personalize and sort my boards (65 to date) into the main categories of my life.

@Nate and @eric-holt-DU so if I interpret your statement correctly, you would like to see “optional customizable workspace thumbnail image” that a workspace owner can update? It may or may not be unique, it would be up to the workspace owner (they may want to create visual sub category).

Yes. With the ability to sort by the thumbnail image or sub category.