Popsync users are redirected to the landing page after selecting Image > Info

With Popsync, when you create a Popsync scratch workspace as an Anonymous user, when you select any image and then select the Info option from the menu, you are redirected to the landing page.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Access Popsync as an anonymous user.
  2. Select an image.
  3. Select the Info option.

Expected result

The submenu appears.

Observed result

As an anonymous user, when you select the Info option, you are redirected to the landing page.


As a workaround to this issue, users are encouraged to sign up for a Bluescape Go account to continue working.

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A ticket has been created: As anonymous user, on clicking info option in images redirecting to landing page

This issue is resolved in the 23.01.2 Bluesape release.