Need help sharing laptop screen to Bluescape


I’m trying to figure out how to screen share from the browser or using the HDMI cable directly with our inogeni interface.

On a new workspace I see the option to add a “Share+” which uses the HDMI cable and inogeni but our Designer has a workspace created already and when sending that workspace to the wall there is no longer an option to add Share+ in the + menu on the sidebar.

There also used to be an option to screen share directly from the browser wirelessly but I don’t see that option anymore.


We would like to get a few more details to help out. Can you please verify the Team the workspace that is working and is not working match? In many cases when we see this its due to the workspace being created on a Team that does not have the Share+ enabled.

Yes, they are in the same Team. However when viewing the list of available workspaces from our admin account I don’t even see her workspace in the list.

We will move this to a support case and follow up to set up a time to do a screenshare with you and the user.