Moving Content into Bluescape from a Different Visual Collaboration Platform

This topic provides a general approach to exporting content from a different visual collaboration platform into Bluescape. For specific export instructions tailored to an individual platform, consult the documentation or support resources provided by that particular platform.

You have three main options to transfer your content from a different visual collaboration platform to Bluescape.

Export the content as an image or PDF

To add previous work from an external platform as static reference material in Bluescape, you may be able to export the entire board as an image.

  1. In the external platform, locate the export option in the toolbar and select the appropriate option for saving as an image.

  2. Choose the desired area of the board to export and save it as an image.

  3. Once saved, you can upload the image to Bluescape. See Adding Content from a Computer to a Workspace for more information.

Note: Bluescape has file type and size limitations in place. Refer to File Upload Types and Limitations for more information.

Export content as visual frames

Some tools allow you to export individual frames or selected objects as images.

  1. Save these images and upload them to Bluescape as reference material.

  2. Open the Bluescape workspace and click on the plus icon in the toolbar, then choose Upload.

Export notecards or text as a CSV

In the external platform, you may be able to export notecards or text as a CSV file (Excel-compatible).

  1. Open the exported CSV file and select the cells you want to use as notecards in Bluescape.

  2. Copy (CTRL/CMD+C) the selected cells.

  3. Open the Bluescape workspace and paste (CTRL/CMD+V) the copied cells.

  4. Select the Notecard option when prompted to paste.

    See How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Assets in a Workspace for more information.

  5. Notecard color and tags from the external platform do not transfer to Bluescape. To change the color of notecards in Bluescape, group select them and use the color picker in the object toolbar.

Note: Depending on the features available in the external platform, you may also be able to export other types of objects, such as shapes, diagrams, and text, to a CSV file. This can be useful for recreating working diagrams in Bluescape.