Inconsistencies when copying and pasting content

Copying and pasting a single image or a canvas and cluster of images from a source workspace to a destination workspace is inconsistent. Sometimes, the canvas and cluster of images will paste as expected, and other times, it will paste completely different content from that which was copied to the clipboard.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Group select a canvas or cluster of images from the source workspace using CTRL+C or :more_options: (more), then copy.

  2. Paste the content using CTRL+V or right-click, then paste.

  3. A prompt will appear stating that “Pasting content from another workspace. Content will paste in the center of the screen. Pan to desired location”. Press ‘enter’ on your keyboard or select ‘paste’ in the prompt.

Expected result

The copied content is pasted into the destination workspace.

Observed result

Copying and pasting a cluster of images from a source workspace to a destination workspace is inconsistent. Sometimes, the cluster will be pasted; other times, it will have completely different content from a previous paste.


Copy and paste a single item in the other direction. Copy a notecard or asset from the destination workspace and paste it back into the source workspace to refresh the copy clipboard- then you can delete it.

Our team is working towards a solution. We encourage you to follow this topic, as information is subject to change.

If you are experiencing this issue, please react to this topic and help our product team understand the scope of impact on our members. Plus 1

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