Error Message Appears When Attempting to Download Image to Photoshop Using the Bluescape Plugin

When you attempt to download an image listed in the canvas page to Photoshop using the Adobe Photoshop-Bluescape plugin, the download is unsuccessful one of the following error messages appears:

  • Could not complete the Save command because of a program error.
  • Download Error, please make sure Adobe document is created and saved locally.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch the Adobe-Bluescape Plugin.
  2. Select any canvas in a workspace you own.
  3. Select :download: (Download).


This issue currently occurs with .PSDC format files.

Expected result

The image downloads to the Photoshop canvas.

Observed result

The image does not download and an error message appears.

Additional Information

The document was saved locally in PSD format.
The issue is not present in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe InDesign.


Select Save As on your image in Photoshop and save as a .PSD file instead of the currently unsupported .PSDC format.

Our team is working towards a solution. We encourage you to follow this topic, as information is subject to change.

If you are experiencing this issue, please react to this topic and help our product team understand the scope of impact on our members. Plus 1