Default Text Color is Inconsistent on Notecards

In Bluescape, when you create, for example, a black notecard, and text defaults to black; OR you create a white notecard, and the text defaults to white.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Bluescape Home and open a workspace.
  2. Create a black notecard, and type some text in the card (notice that the text is white).
  3. Create a white notecard; type some text in the card (notice that the text is white).
  4. Create a green notecard, and type some text in the card (notice the text is white).
  5. Re-load the workspace.
  6. Create a white notecard; type some text in the card (notice the text is black).
  7. Create a black notecard; type some text in the card (notice the text is black).
  8. Create a green notecard, and type some text in the card (notice the text is black).

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This issue is resolved in the 23.04.1 Bluescape update.