Canvas Occasionally Displays the Incorrect Control Bar when Using the Hide/Reveal Canvas Feature

In Bluescape, when you use the Hide/Reveal Canvas feature, the canvas occasionally displays the incorrect control bar.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have two users joined to the same workspace. One is an owner/facilitator. The other one is an editor.
  2. Create a hidden canvas and leave it selected so the control bar shows. At this point the control bar is displaying correctly.
  3. Position 2 shapes/notecards outside the canvas on opposite corners (e.g. one outside the top-left corner and one outside the bottom-right corner).
  4. Have the editor multi-select the elements, such that the canvas is within the selection box. Note that in essence, the canvas is not selected.
  5. Observe the owner/facilitator’s control bar.

Expected result

The control bar does not change.

Observed result

The control bar changes to a control bar that’s similar to a notecard/shape’s control bar.

Additional Information

Have the editor release the selection and have the owner/facilitator reload the workspace.


Have the editor release the selection and have the owner/facilitator reload the workspace.

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This issue is resolved in Bluescape 23.05.3.