What team permission allows View and Download only?

It looks like the only permission level that allows a Team to DOWNLOAD an asset is Editor. Is that correct? We need members of our team to be able to VIEW & DOWNLOAD assets but not be able to move, delete, or add. How can we achieve this?

Hey @Celeste_Giuffre,

Thanks for your question. :slight_smile: You’re correct, the editor role is the only role available to you currently with workspace download permissions.

I want to acknowledge that we’ve seen this and have brought this up internally to see what solutions may be possible for your org. Thank you for your patience, we will have more to share Monday.

Hey @Celeste_Giuffre :slight_smile: We have identified a solution for your org and have sent you a private message with the details for configuring a feature that will help you achieve this.

Thanks for your patience. Looking forward to your response!

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