Travel Planning in a workspace

I decided to use a workspace to plan my upcoming trip to the eastern part of California, specifically the area stretching from the ghost town of Bodie to beautiful Death Valley.
I like the fact that I can use the workspace to interactively share the planning with other party members. The nice part about this is that we can share the planning as well as the photos/videos from the trip once it’s over. Videos can also be watched in sync when one of the collaborators is leading, kinda like a watch party…
The way I designed the workspace is that I created a canvas for each point of interest (POI). In the canvas I added a short description at the top, describing the site. I then added 2-3 related websites such as Google Maps, an official (or descriptive) link to the site and Tripadvisor. Above each website I inserted a text element with a link to what the text is referring to.
Inside the canvas I added another canvas that contains images of the site. What’s nice about these canvases is that they’re searchable, so the user can search on the site’s name and then go directly to each canvas.
Additionally, I added some notecards with text related to our options for the days following day 1. I added comments in one of the notecards and in it you can see replies. The comments are editable and can be deleted as well if necessary, which is nice.
Emojis can also be used for likes, dislikes etc. as can be seen on the yellow notecard.
Any improvement to the workspace (and to the trip…) are appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow! You just gave me so many ideas for when I start to plan my next trip to Europe. :star_struck:

I appreciate how you’ve laid it out in a timeline reading from left to right. Most sample travel itineraries are horizontal with only words, which is the only visual reference of a travel itinerary we had until now.

Uploading photos in each stop or POI can also help with outfit planning/packing - jacket weather or swimsuit?.. So awesome to see a trip from a bird’s-eye view.

Thanks for sharing @Adi, and have fun on your adventure. :earth_americas:


Thanks Kristen, glad you like it. It was an interesting and new experience for me too, creating a travel plan in a workspace. I found it very useful.

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Very cool. I will take this as inspiration :slight_smile:

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Whoa! This is very cool @Adi thank you for sharing. I have a trip to Mexico coming up that I’m going to use to plan. Thank you for the inspiration!

Have a great trip!

Thanks. I kinda inspired myself to go on the trip as I was planning it. Enjoy your trip too. :slightly_smiling_face:

Awesome, @Adi! I bet it’d also work great if you need to have other folks participating in the planning process, either for research, or say for planning different legs of the trip.
And you can discuss it all right in the workspace’s meeting. Definitely borrowing the idea.

Thanks and correct, that’s the idea behind the planning when multiple folks are involved. They can each leave comments or add destination points etc. You can also add your pictures/videos from the trip once it’s over (or during using the mobile app). User can also use the Meet function to discuss the trip while viewing it in the workspace.

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Great idea @Adi Thanks for sharing this! Very helpful :clap: