Invited users unable to create accounts

I have several students who I invited to my workspace who either 1)never receive the invitation and/or 2)are unable to create accounts. When they click on the invite links, they are taken to the login page rather than to the account creation page. They try to login and are told “no account exists for this email.” I have deleted them out of the system and re invited them, but same issue.

Hello @pltkgvsu ,

Thank you for reaching out via the Community. If the students have never registered with Bluescape, the invitation email should be titled “You have been invited to join Bluescape, so jump right in!” and be sent from Please ensure they check all folders (i.e., inbox, spam, junk, other, etc.). If they still cannot locate the invitation, please ensure it is not being blocked by their mailing service.

For the users who can locate the invitation, I suggest they try copying and pasting the URL from the “Get Started” button in the email notification into an incognito window, as they may be experiencing a localized issue with their Web browser cookies and cache.

If the issue persists, please have the affected users email with you cc’ed to create a ticket with Bluescape support. We will work individually with each user, as each case may vary.

Best Regards,
Cody Bentley