Create high quality screenshot of a workspace

The interface option to create an export of a workspace (recently updated) outputs images in a very low quality on my panels.

Is there a way to create a high quality screenshot?

I’ve been thinking on “creative” solutions, like creating a 16/24K virtual display and screenshoting via an external tool, but would prefer to address this properly.

Any hint on how to increase screenshot quality?

See an example of the definition :slight_smile:


Hello @spa_it_department ,

We have received this request and are investigating it further. Could you please verify if you are simply looking to export content in high resolution from a workspace or are you looking for an API to use? As soon as we have more information, we will respond accordingly.

Best Regards,

Either option would work for me in this case. Ideally it’d be great to automate it. So, if possible, I’d try the API option first.

Hello @spa_it_department ,

Unfortunately, we do not have an API that would provide an high quality export of a workspace. For exporting content within a workspace, please take a look at the following articles for more details on How to Export Content from a Workspace & Using the Export to PDF Function in a Workspace. Please note that export to PDF does not support vectorized rendering for high-quality exports for the entire workspace in Bluescape. Export to PDF currently functions as what you see in your viewport of the workspace when exporting, which is what the PDF generates. We recommend that you break your content apart for PDF exports. For example, instead of trying to export the entire workspace at a far-out zoom level, focus on a specific portion of the workspace and use export to PDF in portions. Alternatives would be to use “Download original,” export as “ZIP” or “PNG” for higher resolution, or utilize the snipping tool or screenshots on your system.

Best Regards,
Cody Bentley

Sadly the in-app options are not enough for big workspaces like ours. Even the sniping tool will have some issues.

Will update here once I figure out a way.


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