The Command Line Interface (CLI) replaces the Bluescape Config Center, allowing instance admins to use a terminal to make configuration changes to their instances and teams.
Many administrative features are now available in Bluescape Home. Those that are restricted to instance administrators are only configurable using CLI. Log in to Bluescape with your instance administrator account and use the Gear icon in the Bluescape application to Open CLI. The terminal opens in a new tab where you can begin running commands.
The key functionalities and commands available through the CLI include creating teams, configuring features for a team, managing users, and setting up SSO and integrations.
CLI Commands
- applications
- applications read
- broadcasts
- broadcasts create
- broadcasts delete [ID]
- broadcasts read
- broadcasts update [ID]
- help [COMMANDS]
- helpmenus
- helpmenus create
- helpmenus delete [ID]
- helpmenus read
- helpmenus update [ID]
- organizations
- organizations create
- organizations delete [ID]
- organizations metadata [ID] [KEYS]
- organizations read
- organizations update [ID]
- sso
- sso create
- sso delete [ID]
- sso read
- sso update [ID]
- users
- users create
- users delete [ID]
- users read
- users update [ID]
Running Commands
There are three types of commands supported by bluescape-cli. They are:
- General Commands
- Entity CRUD Commands
- Workflow Commands
Note: Configuration changes made using the CLI do not take effect immediately. The CLI tool works by calling API endpoints to send the packet of desired changes to the database. Since the client app caches the previous settings, the updated settings are picked up in approximately 5 minutes or by triggering a refresh by manually clicking on the refresh button in the browser.
CLI Command Structure
The CLI can process one or more commands using the following structure:
[entity-type] command [subcommand] [args] [flags]
Entity Type
The Entity Type identifies the object that is acted upon by the command, such as a user, organization, SSO provider, instance, etc. For general commands, the entity type is just the command, such as help
or applications
The primary action to be performed on an entity or a general command such as create, read, or update.
Subcommand (or option)
A subcommand provides additional granular control to a command to perform a specific task. For example, metadata is a subcommand.
Arguments are further inputs into commands that are mandatory, such as the id of the entity to be operated on.
Flags allows different types of logic control based on the nature of the command (and subcommand). Examples include --input=<file path>
to specify the path to an input file, and --environment=<domain>
to indicate which domain(s) to operation the command on.
Command types
General Commands
Operate on bluescape-cli. Supported general commands are:
Command | Description |
help |
Display help for bluescape-cli |
instances |
List of instances. For connected domains, it also shows the signed-in account email |
Entity CRUD commands
These commands operate on entities inside an instance. Such as organizations update
Supported entities are:
Command | Description |
applications |
Lists 3rd party applications |
broadcasts |
Displays Broadcast messages |
helpmenus |
Lists help items added to help menus in all products |
metadata* |
Displays Options/preferences for a particular entity |
organizations |
Lists All organizations - enterprise and self-serve |
sso |
Lists SSO providers (aka IDPs) |
users |
Lists all users in an instance, including archived users |
Note: metadata is a nested entity. It is always used with another entity such as organizations metadata
Available commands to do CRUD on an entity
- [entity-type] read [id(s)] [flags]
- [entity-type] create [flags]
- [entity-type] update [id(s)] [flags]
- [entity-type] delete [id(s)] [flags]
Read Commands
Specifying only the entity shows a list of the first 50 entities that match any filtering criteria in the sorting order, i.e., organizations
. Alternately, use read
To control which 50 entities are returned. Use the sorting and filtering flags.
Filtering and Sorting
Often filtering statements are composed of multiple filtering statements to allow for more complex filtering. The composition use AND, OR, and NOT operators. The operators hold a collection of zero or more filtering statements. Visually, the collection looks like a JavaScript array, i.e. with square brackets. These operators can be siblings to other filtering statements or nested within filtering statements. It’s important to be aware that sibling filtering statements are combined with an implied AND operator.
Delete Commands
Delete commands take only the IdList as a parameter and performs a “soft” delete. For a “hard” delete the --permanent=true
or -p
flag must be set. This triggers the confirmation prompt. To avoid the prompt use the --force=true
Workflow Commands
Workflow commands combine multiple tasks into one command and/or contain special logic that doesn’t translate to bluescape-cli commands. Workflow commands have workflow
in front of them. Individual help for each workflow is available by calling on help for a specific command. For details on accessing help for each command see the Command Details section of this guide. Currently, we only have one workflow command, email-migration
Running Commands
When using the CLI, commands are run in one of two ways. A single command can be run from the command line, such as organizations
The command outputs its results, and then control is returned to the terminal, like so:
$ bluescape login {insert your Bluescape URL}
Successfully signed in to {your Bluescape URL} as`
If you want to run multiple commands, it’s more efficient to enter them into the CLI like so:
$ bluescape
bluescape > login {insert your Bluescape URL}
Successfully signed in to {your Bluescape URL} as`
bluescape > organizations create -f new-org-settings.json
successfully created organization <org name> with the following settings:
<list of options from the file>
Help Command
A help command is added to each workflow. Call --help
in your command for the available flags and usage.
users --help
List of users. By default display only IDs. For other formats, use [--output json or table].
$ users [-o id|json|table|csv] [-e <value>] [-f <value>] [-c <value>] [--offset <value>]
[--suppress max-records-reached|confirm|all]
-c, --count=<value> [default: 50] max records to process. Errors when reached and Process return code 2.
Error can be suppressed by --suppress=max-records-reached
-e, --environment=<value> comma-separated environment (domain)
List of Helpful Commands
How to Check the Version of CLI
Log in to Bluescape with your instance administrator account and use the Gear icon in the Bluescape application to Open CLI. The terminal opens in a new tab where you can begin running commands. The version is visible in the first line in the terminal window.
Welcome to the Bluescape Command Line Interface. Version: 1.0.13
How to Search for a Users Email
users "--filter={ email: { contains: \"<Input Email>\" } }"
║ James │ Bond │ │ Instance Admin │ ACCEPTED │ 07/27/2023 │ <ID>
How to Search for an Organization by Name
organizations --filter="{name:{contains:\"<Name>\"}}" -f name,id,
testval │ <ID> │
How to create an SSO provider
sso create -i '{
"name": "name",
"type": "type of SSO",
"metadataUrl": "metadata URL",
"adminEmail": "Admin email"
How to Search for an SSO provider by name
sso --filter='{name:{contains:"okta"}}' -f name,id,
How to Update SSO details
Capture the SSO ID by SSO provider name:
sso --filter='{name:{contains:"<Input SSO Provider Name>"}}'` `-f name,id,
Indicate the URL’s attached to the SSO ID:
sso --id=<Input SSO ID> -o json
Update the Metadata URL of an SSO provider:
sso update <Input Org ID> -i '{"metadataUrl": "URL"}'
How to create an Organization
organizations create -i '{"name":"<orgname>","ownerId":"<userID>"}
organizations create -i '{"name":"testOrg111", "metadata": {"canUploadVideoFiles":true,"enableVideoUnmuteAll":true,"userGroupsInUse": true,"enableSendToWall":true,"laserPointerEnabled":true, "enableMetabaseDashboard":true, "metabaseDashboardId":<ID> },"ownerId":"<Input Owner ID>"}'
How to change the name of an Organization
organizations update --id=<Input ID> -i '{"name":"<Input New Org Name>"}'
How to List an Organization’s Metadata by ID
organizations --filter='{name:{contains:"bluescape"}}' -f name,id,
organizations metadata <Input Org ID>
"id": "<ID of Org>",
"metadata": {
"canHideRevealContent": true,
"canUploadVideoFiles": true,
"disableMeet": false,
"disablePublicWorkspace": false,
"displayImageFilename": true,
"displayMode": "dark",
"enableAem": false,
"enableAntivirusScan": false,
"enableDocumentSupport": true,
"enableDrm": false,
How to Enable an Organization’s Metadata Flag
organizations metadata <Org ID> <Input Metadata Flag=true/false>
"id": "<Org ID>",
"metadata": {
"hasBox": true
"__typename": "Organization"
How to update an organization’s “Feature” flag
Organizations update --id=<ID> -i '{"<featureDBkey>":<true/false>}'
Change an Organization’s Expiration Date
organizations update --id= <ID> -i {"expiredAt":"2023-00-22T00:00:00.000Z"}
Find the owner of existing org by name and get owner ID
organizations --count=3 -l '{name: { contains: "al" } }' -f name,,
Change an Organization’s Owner
organizations update --id=<Org ID> -i '{"ownerId":"New Owner ID"}'
Create Broadcast message
Input the start, end, and body of the broadcast message, paste the code block into Cloud CLI, and press enter.
broadcasts create -i '{"body": "CLI Test <a href=\"[](\">link</a>","isDismissable": true,"type": "Public"}'
broadcasts create -i '{
"isDismissable": true,
"type": "Public",
"body":"Sample Message to Broadcast."
Find owner of existing org by name and get owner ID
organizations --count=3 -l '{name: { contains: "al" } }' -f name,,
How to change an application role
- Search for the user to capture their user id.
- Determine the application role id that the user needs to be upgraded to using the roles command.
- Update the application role id.
The commands detailed above are visible in the following example:
Command to locate user and their id:
users "--filter={ email: { contains: \"\" } }"
Command to list available roles and their ids:
Command to update the application role id:
users update --id=<Input User ID> -i '{"applicationRoleId":"<Input Application ID>"}'
Find a user ID
users -l '{lastName:{contains:"INSERT USER LAST NAME"}}'
users -l '{email:{contains:"INSERT PORTION OF USERS EMAIL"}}'
Change user’s associated email address
users update [userID] -i '{"email":"INSERT NEW EMAIL ADDRESS HERE"}'
Enable native large display functionality
organizations metadata <orgID> enableLargeDisplay=true
Clear all CLI contents
clear + Enter / Return key on keyboard
Command Details
For full details on each CLI command, use the following syntax in the CLI.
[entity type] [command] --help
e.g., organizations delete --help
This example returns the following information:
Delete organization object. Prints deleted object
$ organizations delete [ID]
[-p] [--force <value>] [-d
gql|curl|fetch] [-t <value.] [-e
<value>] [--id <value>]
ID id of object to be deleted. If omitted, it has to be provided in JSON
-d, --debug=<option>
Dump the requests parameters sufficient to be replicated manually via GraphQL inspector, CURL unix command, or fetch() JS API in browser debug console.
<options: gql|curl|fetch>
-e, --environment=<value>
comma-separated list of instances (environments)
-i --input=<value>
input file | stdin | user | json
-o --output=<option>
[default: id] output format.
<options: id|json|table|csv>
-p, --permanent
When "ispermanentDlete" is true,
1) A request to Collab to Delete Workspaces of the Organization is initiated
2) The Organization and its relationships are Hard Deleted.
When"isPermanentDelete" is false,
1) Users who belong to only this organization are archived
2) User Organization relationship is Soft deleted
3) Organization is Soft Deleted.
-t, --token=<value>
idToken from authorized session
set as true to override the prompt for hard deletes
comma-separated ID list. Use instead of passing id(s) via an argument.
Delete organization object. Prints deleted object
$ organizations delete i7cS4mTkC2TwETcA5gwc
{ deleteOrganization: true }