API Reference Permissions v3

API Reference Permissions


All members of an organization are assigned a role that governs the permissions they have to modify the organization. There are four role types in an organization:

  • Owner
  • Administrator
  • User
  • Guest


The owner of the organization can add, delete and modify users and update organizational settings. They also have the same functionality as a user of the organization. The owner cannot be removed from the organization, and they will always be an administrator for this organization. The owner of the organization, along with admins, can modify organization settings.


Administrators have the same capabilities as the owner. The owner and other admins can make any organization user an administrator by opening the member’s settings and checking the option for the administrator. Admins also can modify organization settings.


A User in an organization can view any public workspace shared within an organization, any private workspace they own or have been invited to, and can create new workspaces. They can also invite collaborators into workspaces that they own or to which they have “share” access.


Guest users in an organization can only see the workspaces they have been invited to; they cannot see any public workspaces in the organization. In the workspaces that they have been invited to, they have the same abilities as a regular user.

Access public workspaces Create workspaces Invite guests to workspaces Add, delete, modify users Approve guest invitations Access to organizational settings
Owner Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
User Yes Yes Yes No No No
Guest No, must be invited No No No No No

Additional Notes

  • Bluescape members can be a Guest, User, Administrator, or Owner in any number of organizations.
  • In the context of an SSO organization, only Users authorized in the company’s Identity Provider (IdP) will be allowed access – for example, if an Admin adds a User who is not authorized in the IdP, they will receive an error when they try to log in.


When users are invited to collaborate on a workspace, the permissions they have to modify content and invite other members to the workspace are governed by the workspace role they are assigned. There are six role types in a workspace - Owner, Editor+, Editor, Commenter, Viewer, and Custom.

  • Owner: The Owner of a workspace can edit workspace settings, export the workspace, and even change the organization that the workspace belongs to, along with a variety of other management actions such as the ability to delete or change ownership of a workspace. Only the Owner role can perform these actions.
  • Editor+: This role allows users to fully collaborate within the space with no restrictions on adding, removing, modifying, or downloading assets from the workspace. They can add and remove collaborators in the workspace along with being able to edit their roles.
  • Editor: This role allows users to fully collaborate within the space with no restrictions on adding, removing, modifying, or downloading assets from the workspace. They cannot invite or remove collaborators in the workspace.
  • Commenter: This role limits collaborators to only being able to view and interact with assets within the workspace. They cannot move, add, or delete assets nor can they draw or erase. They cannot invite collaborators into the workspace. They can however leave comments on assets within the workspace.
  • Viewer: This role limits collaborators to only being able to view and interact with assets within the workspace. They cannot move, add, or delete assets nor can they draw or erase. They cannot invite collaborators into the workspace. They cannot leave comments within the workspace.
  • Custom: One custom role that can be used is a Template role. This role limits collaborators to only being able to view and interact with assets within the workspace. This role can also download assets from the workspace, and duplicate a workspace. They cannot move, add, or delete assets, or use the draw or erase feature. They cannot invite collaborators into the workspace. They cannot leave comments within the workspace.

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