Understand Status of Tasks Using the Kanban Method 📈


Kanban is a popular lean workflow management method that gives you a visual representation of your team’s work. Each column represents vital phases or steps that your tasks pass through to monitor progress. You and your team determine what tasks are:

  1. Backlog
  2. To-do (prioritized)
  3. Doing
  4. Review/Test
  5. Done

Tip: Use notecards to identify each task and its status within the Kanban framework. This tool will give you a pictorial understanding of current processes.

Kanban and Retrospective

The kanban and retrospective template takes all the elements of the kanban board but also allows you and your team to reflect on any given project afterward.

Conducting a retrospective on a task or project allows you and your team to brainstorm areas to improve upon and address grievances.

The add-ons to the above-mentioned kanban template are broken down into five key components:

  1. What was good: What was successful about the task, sprint, or project?
  2. What was bad: Outline areas to improve for the next task, sprint, or project.
  3. Ideas: What ideas can you and your team implement to improve for the next task, sprint, or project?
  4. Actions: Based on your retrospective, identify the action items you and your team can get working on.
  5. Improvements from last week: Work to continuously improve by highlighting processes and team workflows to optimize.

Try using the kanban and retrospective template for your team’s weekly (or bi-weekly) sprint to improve work efficiency. This agile method allows you and your team to provide balanced, constructive feedback to improve the next task, sprint, or project.

How do you use Kanban? Reply below!

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