Missing assets -- log shows work done

I have a student group working on a project who told me that after doing a good deal of work, their work disappeared. I went into the history of their workspace, and it does indicate a lot of work was done, but when I click on many history log entries it says “This object has been removed.” I do not see, however, any log entries that indicate there were major deletions.

Any idea what happened?

Hello @pltkgvsu,

This is Cody with Bluescape Support. I’d be happy to investigate this issue with you and your group to try and determine the root cause of what may have occurred. Can you please provide the following information:

1.) What Bluescape platform was used when this problem happened, i.e., Web Client, Desktop client, or Wall client?
2.) What type of content was being added to the workspace when this occurred, i.e., canvases, notecards, images, videos, documents, etc.
3.) Did this problem occur after the user refreshed or reloaded the workspace? Was the workspace left open for an extended period?
4.) Does the workspace activity report show who removed/deleted the object with a timestamp, i.e., so and so deleted or modified (X) amount?
5.) Can the missing content be located using the workspace search magnifying glass with “Everything” selected?

To troubleshoot, we can try to perform a rollback on the workspace to a date and time when the content was confirmed to be present. To do so, we require that the workspace owner duplicate the workspace and provide an exact date and time (including time zone) to roll the workspace back to. If this interests you, I would be happy to create a support ticket and continue the conversation in the ticket.

Best Regards,

Cody – I responded last week, but the message didn’t go through. So here it is again:

  1. PC browser
  2. The team was moving assets around.
    3)not sure
  3. The deletion doesn’t who up in the workspace activity report.
  4. Content is not found anywhere else on the workspace.

If possible, I would like it rolled back to 3:40pm EST 11/30

I am also curious to find what happened – my students are complaining about Bluescape and I would like to know if it was user error instead.

Hello @pltkgvsu,

I have created a support ticket for this request. Please keep an eye out for my reply via the support ticket, as I will be requesting additional information to perform a rollback on the workspace in question.

Best Regards,

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