Feature Request: Starting Template on Workspace Create

Good morning, Bluescape support,

I’ve noticed a pattern of user friction I’d like to point out. When creating a new workspace - the ‘large blank canvas’ is a little intimidating. Most users know that Bluescape can be used for specific tasks, such as agile boards, but there is considerable user friction in learning how to drop a template AFTER a workspace is opened.

A suggestion many users we have during training is an option to choose a template at the time of workspace creation, so it is already there when the workspace opens. This would save on clicks, flatten the learning curve, and make the workspace immediately useful once open.


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Hey there, @Nate. Always great to hear from you. That is an interesting thought. As you’re passing along feedback from multiple users, do you believe this would be helpful every time?

As for flattening the learning curve, you’re a seasoned pro and may not have had the benefit of encountering our welcome dialogue. It’s easy to recall from the workspace :help: (Help) menu.

Reopening the welcome dialogue

From the welcome dialogue, members are given 3 recommendations on how to kick things off in a new workspace, so they can choose the path forward that best suits them.

New members only see this the first time they open a new workspace. I hope that helps in the meantime. :blush:

Many discussions are currently happening to improve the member experience regarding templates. Your feedback here inspired a proposal, albeit not exactly what you described. Any additional feedback you or your members have on our templates feature would be timely as we review feedback from all sources and work towards solutions.

Hi Michelle - thanks for getting back.

Some feedback on templates from users that use them frequently:

  1. Would like a way to manage templates better… move them from org (Team) to org (Team) easier, delete them, copy them, rename them, update the thumbnail pictures, etc.

  2. Open a workspace by choosing the template first (or leave blank if no template selected) - this was the OP topic. I think this allows the end user to think less about having to know how to use Bluescape… and instead lets them concentrate on what Bluescape can do for them from the get-go.

  3. This may not belong here… but adding a tool that creates a grid (much like the smart grid tool) for use in templates would be wonderful. Or maybe fix some of the issues that the smart grid has.

  4. Create template from “pinned” items only… this happens frequently where a user has created a visual guide, stated using it, and then wants to templatize it, but it has information, such as notecards, they don’t want created as part of the template. Being able to create a template from only the pinned items can speed this process up.

Thats all I have for now… thanks for listening!


Hey there, @Nate. Your feedback and ideas have been passed along to the team.

I hear you recently had the chance to connect with a member of our team and talk more about how your users can get the most out of Bluescape.

Thank you for always providing such detail in your feedback. It’s always great to hear from you.

Hey @Nate :wave: If you have not already stumbled upon this recent update when creating a new workspace, users are immediately shown the template picker. The intent is to encourage users to place a helpful template to kickstart structuring their workspace.

Thanks again for highlighting the friction point!

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