I would like to create an empty workspace using GraphQL API.
Previously we used copyFrom to clone a template workspace.
As our application becomes more complex, we have to dynamically initialize workspaces and I need to start from an empty workspace.
When I create a new workspace, I see a workspace with dark background regardless of “Display mode” in my profile
Sorry for the delay. When creating a new workspace, the background should use the default user Display Mode that is set in their user profile. If you copy a workspace, the copied workspace will inherit the background theme from the copied workspace.
You can also manually change a workspace background color using the updateWorkspaceStyle mutation API to change the workspace backgroundTheme.
That makes sense. I’ll check and see if there is a way to have this added to createWorkspace so it doesn’t require multiple API calls or a copyFrom. I’ll get back to you with more details when i get them.