Hey there, @alyssa.
This is all excellent feedback! Thanks so much for sharing your wishlist. Seems like a great time of year to be doing so, though I can’t promise any late-night rooftop deliveries on December 24th.
- This is interesting. I’m curious under what scenarios you have been converting videos to GIFs. Are you doing this only for content when you are presenting? Or would you want to be able to leave a video auto-replaying continuously in a workspace?
- I have experienced similar frustration with this, both with regard to video content, web content, and placed files like PDFs. Other members may find the information in those banners useful. Since you present often, were you aware that those banners are not visible in Present
mode? You can group select multiple objects or use a canvas to present.
- This is definitely something we’ve heard before, and we listened. You can expect to see this in 2023.
- I’ll pass this feedback on to our product team. If you have any screen recording capabilities and wish to share an example, that is also really helpful.