Document dimension

I have a question about width, height, scale, scaleX, scaleY , it’s not obvious for me how exactly BS works, I have faced an unexpected behaviour and I would like to figure out what is the problem

When we use createDocument we have


and when we use updatedocument we have


but we don’t have any option to update width and height, So how can I change width and height, I tried scale but I have some unexpected behaviour

What I expect is, the scale of createDocument and the scale of updatedocument should be the same, but sometimes they are and some other random times they are not

I don’t want to report a bug or talk about my specific use case, I would like to ask:

  • Why don’t we have width and height in the updatedocument ? and how to update them?
  • Are both scales the same?
  • Why we have scale when we create and update element, but we have scaleX, scaleY when we get them?

Hi @Amerehei,

Great question! Elements that require uploading a file, like images and documents can get a bit confusing regarding width, height, and scale. It is important to note that document and image elements width and height are the actual document/image asset width and height, not to be confused with the boundingBox width/height (which is the width/height * scale) which is the width/height in pixels shown on the screen.

Document Upload and management happens in a few steps:

  1. Initial Upload: There is a temporary placeholder while the element ingestionState is transferring and/or processing. If you set width/height and scale from createDocument mutation you are setting the transfer/upload placeholder container, not the actual document.

sample pdf:

Example transfer area with default values:

  • width = 1000
  • height = 1000
  • scale = 1: documents only have scale, not scaleX and scaleY since they are a fixed aspect ratio, but note that an element query will return scaleX/scaleY but they will be equal to each other, based on fixed aspect ratio
  • x = 0 and y = 0 (for illustration purposes)
# Create Document from URL using default width/height/scale
mutation createDocumentFromUrl(
    $workspaceId: String!,
    $x: Float!,
    $y: Float!,
    $title: String!,
    $documentFormat: DocumentFormatInput!,
    $url: String!
) {
        workspaceId: $workspaceId, 
        input: {
            title: $title
            documentFormat: $documentFormat
            sourceUrl: $url
            transform: {
                x: $x
                y: $y
	) {
		content{ uploadId url fields}
		preview{uploadId url fields}
		document{id width height ingestionState}


    "workspaceId": "{{workspaceID}}",

illustration showing temporary placeholder:

  1. Upload transfer complete: Once the document is uploaded and processed, it will be scaled to fit into the temporary container as defined in the original createDocument mutation.

In our example pdf that is 8.5x11 inches, or 989x1280 pixels, it is scaled to fit in the 1000x1000 placeholder and centered:

After the pdf is scaled to fit in 1000x1000 container it is centered at x = 113.671875.

You can verify with document element query:

#find Document element by elementID:
query getElementById($workspaceId: String!, $elementId:String!){
    elements(workspaceId: $workspaceId, id:$elementId) {

            x y scaleX scaleY


        ... on Document{



    "data": {
        "elements": [
                "__typename": "Document",
                "id": "658249299a301cc61d1f961b",
                "transform": {
                    "x": 113.671875,
                    "y": 0,
                    "scaleX": 0.78125,
                    "scaleY": 0.78125
                "boundingBox": {
                    "width": 772.65625,
                    "height": 1000,
                    "x": 113.671875,
                    "y": 0
                "width": 989,
                "height": 1280,
                "title": "testPDF.pdf",
                "filename": "Collaboration_Solutions_and_Bluescape.pdf"
  1. Updating Document: You can then update the document element using UpdateDocument, but since you can only update the scale, not the width/height you will need to calculate the scale to get a desired width/height.

For example, if you want the document to be 500 pixels wide, and you know the document width = 989:

500/989 = scale 0.505561172901921.

You can then use the the scale with updateDocument:

mutation myUpdateDocument($workspaceId:String!, $x:Float!, $y:Float!, $scale:Float!, $documentID: String!){
    updateDocument( workspaceId:$workspaceId id:$documentID input:{

and get the following:

    "data": {
        "elements": [
                "__typename": "Document",
                "id": "658249299a301cc61d1f961b",
                "transform": {
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 0,
                    "scaleX": 0.506572295247725,
                    "scaleY": 0.50703125
                "boundingBox": {
                    "width": 500,
                    "height": 649,
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 0
                "width": 989,
                "height": 1280,
                "title": "testPDF.pdf",
                "filename": "Collaboration_Solutions_and_Bluescape.pdf"

I hope this helps you understand the Document transfer and management and how to deal with width/height and scale.

If you have any questions just let me know.

Thanks for clarifying

If you compare this image and element’s data

    "__typename": "Document",
    "id": "658249299a301cc61d1f961b",
    "transform": {
        "x": 113.671875,
        "y": 0,
        "scaleX": 0.78125,
        "scaleY": 0.78125
    "boundingBox": {
        "width": 772.65625,
        "height": 1000,
        "x": 113.671875,
        "y": 0
    "width": 989,
    "height": 1280,
    "title": "testPDF.pdf",
    "filename": "Collaboration_Solutions_and_Bluescape.pdf"

The boundingBox is not the red box, Am I right? it’s the red box - gray area = pdf inside of redbox
Do we see the box marked as red in the workspace when we select the PDF? I mean do we lose this 1000x1000 finally?

hi @Amerehei,

The boundingBox is not for the red box - i simply used the red box to indicate the temporary container which is used to scale/center the Document. In practice there is no red box, or gray box - it is an invisible container used for initial placement of the document that is only present while the document is being uploaded/processed.

The query with the boundingBox is the bounding box of the uploaded document after it was scaled to fit in the temporary container of 1000x1000. Note the height in the boundingBox is "height": 1000 as the document is fitting inside the temporary container.

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