Attachments APIs for v2

Important Notice
Bluescape is in the process of decommissioning public v2 APIs.
As part of this process, this guide will be removed from the Community at the time of the August 2023 Release. To prepare for this, visit the Attachments APIs for v3 topic to familiarize yourself with the v3 API process.

What are Attachments?

Attachments allow the user to pair together two elements so that they act as a single, interactable object.

In a Bluescape Workspace, a user has the ability to manually drag an element A on top of an element B in order to form a link between the two. Now whenever the user selects or moves one element, the other will be selected and moved as well. The Attachments APIs allow for a programmatic way to perform these attachment operations.

Coordinates can be specified in order to determine where the element to attach will be placed on the base element. It is important to note that when providing coordinates, these inputs will be relative to the base element they are being attached to. For example, if the user specifies the element to be attached at [0,0] this will place the attachment at the top left corner of the base element, and not at the center of the workspace.

When executing an Attachments API, the user will see the source element be moved onto the base element specified, and a yellow border will appear around the newly attached object. When deleting an Attachment, the user will see a blue border around the element that was unattached to signify the operation is complete.

You can see the page for attachment APIs in v3.

Table of Contents:

Allowed Element Types for Attachments
How to Implement Attachments APIs

1. Create: attachment an element to another element
2. Get the list of attachments for an element
3. Delete attachments in an element

Use Case Example

Allowed Element types for Attachments:


  • Notes
  • Images
  • Browsers
  • Documents
  • Text
  • Videos


  • Notes
  • Images
  • Browsers
  • Documents
  • Text
  • Videos

ELEMENT: Documents

  • Notes
  • Images
  • Browsers
  • Documents
  • Text
  • Videos

ELEMENT: Browser

  • Notes
  • Images
  • Browsers
  • Documents
  • Text
  • Videos


  • Notes
  • Images
  • Browsers
  • Documents
  • Text
  • Videos


  • No elements can be attached to text, but text can be attached to other elements.


  • No elements can be attached to canvas. Elements that are posted inside canvas creates membership, not adhesion.

How to Implement Attachments APIs

Create: attach one element to another

Endpoint /v2/workspaces/<workspace_uid>/elements/<surface_type>/<surface_id>/attachments
Method POST

Sample Request:

curl -X POST<workspace_uid>/elements/<surface_type>/<surface_id>/attachments \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <SET_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "x" : 10,
    "y" : 10,
    "sourceId": "YYYYYYYYY"
var request = require('request');

const token = <SET_TOKEN>;
const portal = '';
const workspace_uid = <SET_WORKSPACE_UID>;
const api_version = 'v2';
var api_endpoint = '/' + api_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>';

function runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var request_values = {
            uri : portal + api_endpoint ,
            method : method ,
            headers : {
                'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
                'Content-Type' : 'application/json'    
            body : data_load,
            json: true

        request(request_values, function (error, response, body) {
            if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
                // Print out the result
                console.log("Successful request. Body response: " + JSON.stringify(body,null,"     ")); 
                } else {
                reject('Invalid status code <' + response.statusCode + '>');


async function runAPIRequests() {
    api_endpoint = '/v2' + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>/<SURFACE_ID>/attachments'

    data_load = {
        'sourceId': "<SET_SOURCE_ID>"

    method = 'POST';

    try {
        var uploadResponse = await runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('ERROR  attaching ');
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
import pprint

token = '<SET_TOKEN>'
portal = ''

workspace_uid = '<SET_WORKSPACE_UID>'
api_version = '/v2/'

if __name__ == "__main__":

    API_endpoint = API_endpoint = portal + api_version + 'workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>/<SURFACE_ID>/attachments'

    data_load = {
        'sourceId': '<SET_SOURCE_ID>',     # Example showing how to use the filter_by field
        'x' : 10,
        'y' : 10

    the_request =
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
                        "Content-Type": "application/json"
            json = data_load

    json_response = the_request.json()

Sample Response Body:

  • Note the sourceId being placed at coordinates [10,10]
    "workspace_id": "<WORKSPACE_ID>",
    "x": 10,
    "y": 10,
    "source": {
        "id": "<SET_SOURCE_ID>",
        "type": "note"
    "surface": {
        "id": "<SET_SURFACE_ID>",
        "type": "image"

Get: list all attachments of an element

Endpoint /v2/workspaces/<workspace_uid>/elements/<surface_type>/<surface_id>/attachments
Method GET

Sample Request:

curl -X GET<workspace_uid>/elements/<surface_type>/<surface_id>/attachments \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <SET_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
var request = require('request');

const token = <SET_TOKEN>;
const portal = '';
const workspace_uid = <SET_WORKSPACE_UID>;
const api_version = 'v2';
var api_endpoint = '/' + api_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>';

function runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var request_values = {
            uri : portal + api_endpoint ,
            method : method ,
            headers : {
                'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
                'Content-Type' : 'application/json'    
            body : data_load,
            json: true

        request(request_values, function (error, response, body) {
            if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
                // Print out the result
                console.log("Successful request. Body response: " + JSON.stringify(body,null,"     ")); 
                } else {
                    reject('Invalid status code <' + response.statusCode + '>'); 


async function runAPIRequests() {
    api_endpoint = '/v2' + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>/<SURFACE_ID>/attachments'

    method = 'GET';

    try {
        var uploadResponse = await runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('ERROR getting attachments ');
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
import pprint

token = '<SET_TOKEN>'
portal = ''
workspace_uid = '<SET_WORKSPACE_UID>'
api_version = '/v2/'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    API_endpoint = portal + api_version + 'workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>/<SURFACE_ID>/attachments'

    the_request = requests.get(
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token

    json_response = the_request.json()

Sample Response Body with the list of attachements an object has:

    "attachments": [{
    "id": "46degdftjd887d",
    "type": "note"
    "id": "jfhy5yttut89aa",
    "type": "image"
    "id": "ysrethdutr2ej",
    "type": "text"

Delete: remove an element’s attachments

Endpoint /v2/workspaces/<workspace_uid>/elements/<surface_type>/<surface_id>/attachments/<source_id>

Sample Request:

curl -X DELETE<workspace_uid>/elements/<surface_type>/<surface_id>/attachments/<target_id> \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <SET_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
var request = require('request');

const token = <SET_TOKEN>;
const portal = '';
const workspace_uid = <SET_WORKSPACE_UID>;
const api_version = 'v2';
var api_endpoint = '/' + api_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>';

function runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var request_values = {
            uri : portal + api_endpoint ,
            method : method ,
            headers : {
                'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
                'Content-Type' : 'application/json'    
            json: true

        request(request_values, function (error, response, body) {
            if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
                // Print out the result
                console.log("Successful request. Body response: " + JSON.stringify(body,null,"     ")); 
                } else {
                reject('Invalid status code <' + response.statusCode + '>'); 

async function runAPIRequests() {
    api_endpoint = '/v2' + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>/<SURFACE_ID>/attachments/<TARGET_ID>'

    method = 'DELETE';

    try {
        var uploadResponse = await runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('ERROR deleting attachment ');
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
import pprint

token = '<SET_TOKEN>'
portal = ''
workspace_uid = '<SET_WORKSPACE_UID>'
api_version = '/v2/'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    API_endpoint = portal + api_version + 'workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/<SURFACE_TYPE>/<SURFACE_ID>/attachments/<TARGET_ID>'

    the_request = requests.delete(
            headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token

    json_response = the_request.json()

Sample Response Body after deleting the attachments in an element:

  "message": "Attachment {source_id} has been removed from the surface {surface_id}"

Use Case Example

Below is a simple, end-to-end example of how someone might use the Attachments APIs. This example is one in which a user uploads content from a local directory into a Bluescape workspace, generates text fields corresponding to the names of the uploaded files, and attaches the text fields to the files. An e-mail is then sent to the specified recipient notifying them of the changes that were made within the workspace.

// Use Case Example (Node.js)

var request = require('request');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

How to run:
node this_script_name.js 

Requires the following modules: fs, nodemailer, request, path
Ex: npm install <module_name>

This script:
1) Creates a canvas
2) Uploads the content from a specific folder into the canvas: documents and images
3) Create a text field for each file, within the Bluescape workspace, containing the file's name
4) Attach the filename text fields to their corresponding files 
5) Send an e-mail to the specified recipient, notifying them of the changes that were made 


const token = <SET_TOKEN>;
const portal = '';
const workspace_uid = <SET_WORKSPACE_UID>;
const api_version = 'v2';
var api_endpoint = '/' + api_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/images';
var method = '';

const canvas_x = 0;
const canvas_y = 0;

const canvas_width = 3000;
const canvas_height = 6000;

// Canvas coordinates are from its top left corner, relative from there
var xx = 100;
var yy = 200;

function runUploadRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var request_values = {
            uri : portal + api_endpoint ,
            method : method ,
            headers : {
                'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
                'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data'    
            formData : data_load,
            json: true

        request(request_values, function (error, response, body) {
            if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
                // Print out the result
                console.log("Successful request. Body response: " + JSON.stringify(body,null,"     ")); 
                } else {
                reject('Invalid status code <' + response.statusCode + '>'); 

function runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var request_values = {
            uri : portal + api_endpoint ,
            method : method ,
            headers : {
                'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
                'Content-Type' : 'application/json'    
            body : data_load,
            json: true

        request(request_values, function (error, response, body) {
            if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
                // Print out the result
                console.log("Successful request. Body response: " + JSON.stringify(body,null,"     ")); 
                } else {
                reject('Invalid status code <' + response.statusCode + '>'); 


async function asyncForEach(array, callback) {
    for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
        await callback(array[index], index, array);

async function runAPIRequests() {

    **    1) Create a canvas:   ** 

    try {           
        api_endpoint = '/v2/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas';
        method = 'POST';
        var currtime = new Date().toISOString().slice(0,16).replace('T',' ');

        var data_load = {
            'x': canvas_x,
            'y': canvas_y,
            'width': canvas_width,
            'height': canvas_height,
            'name': "New Canvas - Creation time: " + currtime ,
            'borderColor': 'Red'
        const canvasResponse = await runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load);

        const canvas_id = canvasResponse['canvas']['id'];

        **    2) Upload content into canvas:   ** 

        // Supported: png, jpeg, gif, tiff, pdf, docx, pptx, xlsx, doc, ppt, xls

        var allowedDocExtensions = new RegExp(/.*\.(pdf|docx|pptx|xlsx|doc|ppt|xls)$/i);
        var allowedImageExtensions = new RegExp(/.*\.(jpg|png|jpeg|tiff)$/i)

        const pathSource = <SET_FILE_PATH>
        var myPath = path.dirname(pathSource +'*'); // Absolute path
        // passsing myPath and callback function
        fs.readdir(myPath, function (errorIssue, files) {
            //handling error
            if (errorIssue) {
                return console.log('Unable to read directory: ' + errorIssue);
            asyncForEach(files, async(filename) => {

                var api_endpoint = '';
                var file_type_key = '';

                var is_supported_extension = true;

                // Check if the file is a supported one for uploading.
                if (allowedDocExtensions.test(filename) ){
                    api_endpoint = '/v2/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/documents';
                    file_type_key = 'document';
                } else if (allowedImageExtensions.test(filename)) {
                    api_endpoint = '/v2/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/images';
                    file_type_key = 'image';
                } else {
                    is_supported_extension = false;

                if (is_supported_extension) {
                    console.log("Going to update: " + filename);
                    console.log("File type: " + file_type_key)

                    var data_load = {
                        'x': xx,
                        'y': yy,
                        'title': filename,
                        'scale': 1,

                    // Cannot add values for the keys using a variable name, it uses the name of the variable instead of its value.
                    data_load[file_type_key] = fs.createReadStream( pathSource + filename );

                    method = 'POST';

                    try {
                        var uploadResponse = await runUploadRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error('ERROR  when uploading content for file '+ filename);
                    var file_id = uploadResponse[file_type_key]['id'];
                    var file_name = uploadResponse[file_type_key]['title'];

                    **    3) Create text field containing file_name:   ** 

                    api_endpoint = '/v2/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/text';
                    data_load = {
                        'text': file_name,
                        'fontFamily': 'Aleo'

                    method = 'POST';

                    try {
                        var uploadResponse = await runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error('ERROR  creating text for '+ filename);

                    var text_id = uploadResponse['text']['id'];

                    const sleep = (waitTime) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime));
                    await sleep(3000);
                    **    4) Attach new text field to file:   ** 

                    api_endpoint = '/v2' + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/'+file_type_key+'s/'+file_id+'/attachments'

                    data_load = {
                        'sourceId': text_id

                    method = 'POST';

                    try {
                        var uploadResponse = await runRequest(portal,api_endpoint,method,data_load);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error('ERROR  attaching ');

                    **    5) Send e-mail:   ** 

                    var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
                    service: 'gmail',
                    auth: {
                        user: '',
                        pass: ''
                    var mailOptions = {
                    from: '<INSERT_YOUR_EMAIL>',
                    to: '<INSERT_DESTINATION_EMAIL>',
                    subject: 'Attachment Canvas is Ready for Review',
                    text: 'An attachment canvas is ready for review. You can reach this workspace here:' + '' + '/' + workspace_uid
                    transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
                        console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);

                    delta = 1600;
                    yy += delta;

                    //  Check if the object's position is outside the canvas. If so, start in new column
                    if (yy > canvas_height){
                        yy = 200;
                        xx += delta;
            } ); 

    } catch (error) {

// Run the requests


# Use Case Example (Python)

import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
import datetime
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import pprint
import time

This script:
1) Creates a canvas
2) Uploads the content from a specific folder into the canvas: documents and images
3) Create a text field for each file, within the Bluescape workspace, containing the file's name
4) Attach the filename text fields to their corresponding files 
5) Send an e-mail to the specified recipient, notifying them of the changes that were made 

Required modules:
    requests 2.22.0

token = '<SET_TOKEN>'

#    1) Create a canvas:    #

if __name__ == "__main__":
    portal = ''
    workspace_uid = '<SET_WORKSPACE_UID>'
    user_uid = ''
    API_version = 'v2'
    API_endpoint = '/' + API_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas'
    parameters = ''
    id_dict = {}

    canvas_x = 0
    canvas_y = 0

    canvas_width = 4000
    canvas_height = 4000

    date_time =

    data_load = {
        'x': canvas_x,
        'y': canvas_y,
        'width': canvas_width,
        'height': canvas_height,
        'name': "Data Load on " + str(date_time),
        'borderColor': 'Yellow'

    # IMPORTANT: canvas has to be bigger than document/object coming inside, or the object does NOT stick to the canvas

    the_request =
        portal + API_endpoint,
        headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
                 "Content-Type": "application/json"

    json_response = the_request.json()


    canvas_id = json_response['canvas']['id']
    #    2) Upload content into the canvas:   #
    mypath = '<SET_FILE_PATH>'
    onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]

    API_endpoint = '/' + API_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/documents'

    # Canvas coordinates are from its top left corner, relative from there
    xx = 100
    yy = 200

    # Supported: png, jpeg, gif, tiff, pdf, docx, pptx, xlsx, doc, ppt, xls

    document_extensions = ['pdf', 'docx', 'pptx', 'xlsx', 'doc', 'ppt', 'xls']
    image_extensions = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'tiff']
    not_supported_extensions = ['txt']

    for this_file in onlyfiles:

        print("\nFile: ", this_file)

        file_extension = this_file.split('.')[1]

        full_path_file = mypath + this_file

        file_type_key = ''

        is_supported_extension = True

        if file_extension in document_extensions:
            API_endpoint = '/' + API_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/documents'
            file_type_key = 'document'
        elif file_extension in image_extensions:
            API_endpoint = '/' + API_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/images'
            file_type_key = 'image'
            is_supported_extension = False

        if is_supported_extension:
            the_params = {
                'x': xx,
                'y': yy,
                'scale': 1,
                'title' : this_file 

            print("Data_load:", str(the_params))
            print(portal + API_endpoint)

            # NOTE for this library: do not use "Content-Type" in headers, does not need to be set to 'multipart/form-data', it is set automatically
            the_request =
                portal + API_endpoint,
                headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
                files={file_type_key: (this_file, open(full_path_file, "rb"))}

            json_response = the_request.json()

            #pprint.pprint(json_response)  # uncomment if you want to see response
            if the_request.status_code == 200:
                print("object successfully loaded.")
                print("[[ERROR]] Could not upload object. Status code: " + str(the_request.status_code))

            file_id = json_response[file_type_key]['id']
            file_name = json_response[file_type_key]['title']

            #   3) Create text field containing file_name:    #

            API_endpoint = '/v2/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/canvas/' + canvas_id + '/text'
            params = ''

            data_load = {
                'text': file_name,
                'fontFamily': 'Aleo'

            the_request =
                portal + API_endpoint,
                headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
                         "Content-Type": "application/json"

            json_response = the_request.json()
            text_id = json_response['text']['id']


            #   4) Attach new text field to file:    #

            API_endpoint = '/' + API_version + '/workspaces/' + workspace_uid + '/elements/'+file_type_key+'s/'+file_id+'/attachments'

            data_load = {
                'sourceId': text_id

            # IMPORTANT: canvas has to be bigger than document/object coming inside, or the object does NOT stick to the canvas

            the_request =
                portal + API_endpoint,
                headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
                         "Content-Type": "application/json"

            json_response = the_request.json()
            #   5) Send e-mail:    #

            s = smtplib.SMTP(host='', port=587)
            s.login('<INSERT_YOUR_EMAIL>', '<INSERT_EMAIL_PASSWORD>')
            msg = MIMEMultipart()
            message = "An attachment canvas is ready for review. You can reach this workspace here: " + "" + "/" + workspace_uid
            msg['From'] = '<INSERT_YOUR_EMAIL>'
            msg['To'] = '<INSERT_DESTINATION_EMAIL>'
            msg['Subject'] = 'Attachment Canvas is Ready for Review'
            msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain'))
            del msg

            delta = 1300
            if the_request.status_code == 200:
                yy += delta

            # Check if the objects's position is outside the canvas. If so, start in new column
            if yy > canvas_height:
                yy = 200
                xx += delta


Where to Next?

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