How to use the findAvailableArea API in v3

Objective: Show how to use the findAvailableArea API in v3.

This page contains the implementation details for the use of the findAvailableArea API, for v3 REST APIs and for GraphQL APIs. This functionality is not implemented for v2 APIs.

When using APIs, how do I know if the (x,y) coordinates I chose for locating an element is empty or if there is content already there (without analyzing the position, height and width of all the elements in the workspace)? The findAvailableArea API searches a workspace for an open area based on the Box provided as input, and the specified direction for this search.
The image below is an example of finding available area to the right of the proposed area:

This is an example of the request body:

  "direction": "Right",
  "proposedArea": {
    "height": 1500,
    "width": 3000,
    "x": 100,
    "y": 100

When executed, the API will search for empty space starting at the position (100, 100), for an Area of 3000 pixels wide and 1500 pixels high. The search will be conducted from the starting position, moving in the specified direction: Right.

The response will contain the coordinates (x,y) that has an empty space for the Box area specified in the request body. Because the specified direction was Right, the response body will maintain the "y" coordinate. The search for empty space was performed by a horizontal movement to the right. Example of the response:

  "height": 1500,
  "width": 3000,
  "x": 1950,
  "y": 100

In the response body, you get the coordinates of where you can start adding your new content: (1950, 100), being sure that there will not be content in a box of 3000 pixels wide and 1500 pixels high, there will be no elements that your new content will overlap over.

Use findAvailableArea, REST APIs

REST API /v3/workspaces/<workspaceId>/findAvailableArea
Method POST

Code sample

curl --location --request POST '<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>/findAvailableArea' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <SET_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "direction": "Right",
  "proposedArea": {
    "height": 1500,
    "width": 3000,
    "x": 100,
    "y": 100
// Node.js Javascript   

How to run:
node this_script_name.js

Requires "axios" module (0.19.0), run:
npm install axios



var axios = require('axios');

const token = '<SET_TOKEN>';
const portal = '';
const workspaceId = '<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>';
const api_version = 'v3';
const api_endpoint = `/workspaces/${workspaceId}/findAvailableArea';

const proposedArea = {
    "direction": "Right",
    "proposedArea": {
        "height": 1500,
        "width": 3000,
        "x": 100,
        "y": 100

var request_values = {
    url: `${portal}/${api_version}${api_endpoint}`,
    method : 'POST' ,
    headers : {
        'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
        'Content-Type' : 'application/json'    
    json: proposedArea

    .then(function (response) {
        if (response.status == 200)
    .catch (function (error) {
        console.log('Error: ' + error.message);
# Python Code (python 3.5+)
import requests
import pprint

Required modules:
   requests 2.22.0

token = '<SET_TOKEN>'

if __name__ == "__main__":
   portal = ""
   workspaceId = '<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>'   
   API_version = 'v3'

   # Get all the images from a workspace

   API_endpoint = f'/{API_version}/workspaces/{workspaceId}/findAvailableArea'

   proposedArea = {
        "direction": "Right",
        "proposedArea": {
            "height": 1500,
            "width": 3000,
            "x": 100,
            "y": 100

   the_request =
        portal + API_endpoint,
        headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
        json = proposedArea

   json_response = the_request.json()


Example of the response from REST:

  "height": 1500,
  "width": 3000,
  "x": 1950,
  "y": 100

In the response body, you get the coordinates of where you can start adding your new content: (1950, 100), being sure that there will not be content in a box of 3000 pixels wide and 1500 pixels high, there will be no elements that your new content will overlap over.

Use findAvailableArea, GraphQL APIs

In GraphQL you can run the findAvailableArea query. Please note that the values for direction must be in lowercase.

query findAvailableAreaForNewContent( $workspaceId: String! $proposedArea: BoxInput! $direction: FindAvailableAreaDirection!) {
    findAvailableArea( workspaceId: $workspaceId , proposedArea: $proposedArea, direction: $direction) {
        x y width height

and use these variables:

    "workspaceId": "<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>",
    "proposedArea" : {
        "height": 1500,
        "width": 3000,
        "x": 100,
        "y": 100
    "direction" : "right"

Code sample

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <SET_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"query findAvailableAreaForNewContent( $workspaceId: String! $proposedArea: BoxInput! $direction: FindAvailableAreaDirection!) {\n    findAvailableArea( workspaceId: $workspaceId , proposedArea: $proposedArea, direction: $direction) {\n        x y width height\n    }\n\n\n\n}","variables":{"workspaceId":"<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>","proposedArea":{"height":1500,"width":3000,"x":100,"y":100},"direction":"<SET_DIRECTION>"}}'
const axios = require('axios');

const url = ""
const token = "<SET_TOKEN>"
const query = 
    `query findAvailableAreaForNewContent( $workspaceId: String! $proposedArea: BoxInput! $direction: FindAvailableAreaDirection!) {
        findAvailableArea( workspaceId: $workspaceId , proposedArea: $proposedArea, direction: $direction) {
            x y width height
const variables = {   
    "workspaceId": "<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>",
    "proposedArea" : {
        "height": 1500,
        "width": 3000,
        "x": 100,
        "y": 100
    "direction" : "<SET_DIRECTION>"
const findAvailableAreaForNewContent = async () => {
    try {
        const response = await,
                query: query,
                variables: variables
            {headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}})
        answerData = JSON.stringify(;
        return response
    catch(error) {

import requests
import pprint

Required modules:
   requests 2.22.0

url = ""
token = "<SET_TOKEN>"
query = """
    query findAvailableAreaForNewContent( $workspaceId: String! $proposedArea: BoxInput! $direction: FindAvailableAreaDirection!) {
        findAvailableArea( workspaceId: $workspaceId , proposedArea: $proposedArea, direction: $direction) {
            x y width height

variables = {   
    "workspaceId": "<SET_WORKSPACE_ID>",
    "proposedArea" : {
        "height": 1500,
        "width": 3000,
        "x": 100,
        "y": 100
    "direction" : "<SET_DIRECTION>"

def makeQuery():

    response =, 
    headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
        'query': query,
        'variables': variables

    return response.json()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    response = makeQuery()

Example of the response from GraphQL:

    "data": {
        "findAvailableArea": {
            "x": 1950,
            "y": 100,
            "width": 3000,
            "height": 1500

In the response body, you get the coordinates of where you can start adding your new content: (1950, 100), being sure that there will not be content in a box of 3000 pixels wide and 1500 pixels high, there will be no elements that your new content will overlap over.

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