Important Notice |
Bluescape is in the process of decommissioning public v2 APIs. |
As part of this process, this guide will be removed from the Community at the time of the August 2023 Release. To prepare for this, visit the Get the list of your workspaces for v3 topic to familiarize yourself with the v3 API process. |
Objective: get a list of all Workspaces you can access. You do not need to know your userId to perform this operation. From this list you can retrieve the workspace IDs to use on other APIs that require you to have the Workspace ID. This is a good test to verify the functionality of your Access Token.
This page contains the implementation details for v2 REST APIs. You can also see the example for v3 APIs
All API endpoints share the same base URL:
After you receive the authentication token, you can get a list of all the workspaces you can access.
Implementation using REST APIs v2
Endpoint | /v2/users/me/workspaces |
Method | GET |
Comments | You do not need to know the userId to get this list of workspaces of the user. |
Code sample
See below code samples in cURL, Node.js, and Python.
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <SET_TOKEN>'
// NodeJS
var axios = require('axios');
How to run:
node this_script_name.js
Requires "axios" module (0.19.0), run:
npm install axios
const token = '<SET_TOKEN>';
const portal = '';
const api_version = 'v2';
const api_endpoint = '/users/me/workspaces';
request_values = {
method: 'GET',
url: portal + '/' + api_version + api_endpoint,
headers : {
'Authorization': "Bearer " + token,
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
.then(function (response) {
if (response.status == 200)
.catch (function (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + error.message);
# Python Code (python 3.5+)
import requests
import pprint
Required modules:
requests 2.22.0
# Get the list of workspaces the user account associates to the Authentication Token can access
token = '<SET_TOKEN>'
if __name__ == "__main__":
portal = ""
# Get all the workspaces for your user
API_version = 'v2'
API_endpoint = '/' + API_version + '/users/me/workspaces'
the_request = requests.get(
portal + API_endpoint,
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
# format answer to json
json_response = the_request.json()
# By default we get the first 25 workspaces
# added to format display of json output
What you should get: JSON with the list of the first 25 workspaces your user has access to.
Element | Json | Comments |
Workspace ID | [‘workspaces’][N][‘id’] | where N is the N-th workspace in the list. |
Workspace name | [‘workspaces’][N][‘name’] | where N is the N-th workspace in the list. |
Output Json sample
{'limit': 25,
'offset': 0,
'paging': {'next': '/v2/users/me/workspaces?offset=25&limit=25',
'prev': None,
'self': '/v2/users/me/workspaces?offset=0&limit=25'},
'size': 25,
'total': 121,
'workspaces': [{'active_users_count': 0,
'created_at': '2016-11-18T01:34:10.000Z',
'default_role_uid': None,
'description': '',
'favorite': 0,
'has_meeting': False,
'name': 'Hello',
'organization': {'default_public_workspace_role_uid': 'mmFwoDayeaLnPGx3QTcZ',
'name': 'Bluescape',
'uid': '2M-EiUhza9MZgrw2CJ31'},
'organization_uid': '2M-EiUhza9MZgrw2CJ31',
'public': True,
'publish_state': 'published',
'publish_state_at': '2016-11-18T01:35:38.000Z',
'published_at': '2016-11-18T01:35:38.000Z',
'published_url': '',
'uid': '9r1UGKtsoxRfv_x3kd-E',
'updated_at': '2019-10-07T21:59:03.000Z',
'users_count': 2,
'workspace_owner': {'avatar_url': None,
'created_at': '2016-06-27T23:41:14.000Z',
'email': '',
'first_name': 'Indiana',
'industry': 'Other - not listed',
'last_name': 'Jones',
'locked_at': None,
'phone_number': '4085553848',
'title': None,
'uid': 'JnPiG6qd2EtFCjipWRE1',
'updated_at': '2019-02-04T11:11:32.000Z'},
'workspace_role': {'can_at_mention': True,
'can_comment': True,
'can_download_assets': True,
'can_edit_workspace_content': True,
'can_list_collaborators': True,
'can_send_message': True,
'can_send_to_wall': True,
'can_view_workspace_content': True,
'can_view_workspace_settings': True,
'description': 'Editor can view workspace '
'settings, can view, '
'comment and edit '
'workspaces content, and '
'can view collaborators',
'display_order': 3,
'is_custom': False,
'name': 'Editor',
'type': 'user',
'uid': 'mmFwoDayeaLnPGx9QTcZ'}},
{'active_users_count': 0,
'created_at': '2016-12-12T20:32:57.000Z',
'default_role_uid': None,
Where to Next?
- Get all the images from a workspace for v3
- Bluescape API Guides
- Bluescape API Overview
- Latest Developer topics
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