Adding Text to a Workspace

Use text boxes, notecards, and shapes to add text to a workspace. The formatting options depend on the tool you use to add text.

Adding Text

  1. Select :text: (Text) from the workspace toolbar.

  2. Hover your cursor over the workspace area where you want the text to appear before selecting to insert it. The text box appears in the workspace along with its associated toolbar.

  3. You can type or paste text into the text box. The text box auto-fits content as you enter text and adjusts the height as needed. When the text box is selected, anchor points appear on each side, allowing you to grab and extend the text box’s width.
    Adjusting the textbox width

  4. Use the options on the toolbar to format your text. A checkmark in the dropdown font menu indicates your current font selection.

    After you select and use a toolbar option, the focus returns to the text box.
    Note: The image below represents a text box that is in view mode. Read further to learn the difference between edit mode and view mode.

Editing Text

Edit mode allows you to modify and format content within the text box; all actions available in Edit mode are specific to the content you select.

There are two ways to edit a text box:

  • Double-select the text box.
  • Single-select the text box to highlight it, then press Enter or Return on your PC or Mac keyboard, respectively.

Selecting a text box allows you to access view mode. In this mode, you can interact with the text box – performing actions such as pin, comment, and more options.
Text toolbar i,View mode

Text Toolbar (left to right)

Icon Description
Font Select one of the 33 available fonts. You can enter text in over 580 languages. Noto Sans SC is a fallback font used when a character is unavailable in your selected font.
Font size Select a numeric value that aligns with how large or small the text appears. The default font size is 12 at the recommended 100% zoom level.
:text_style: Select bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough.
:left_justified: Arrange or organize text within the text box.
:bullets: In edit mode, add bullets or numbering.
:text_color: Choose from the default text colors or add a custom color.
:highlight_color: Highlight text in default yellow or the last selected highlight color. If text is already highlighted with a color, :highlight_color: (Highlight) removes the color from the text. Use the dropdown arrow to choose a default or custom color. The selected color remains persistent in the toolbar.
:add_link: In edit mode, add a hyperlink to the selected text.
:pin: Locks the text to its current workspace location.
:comments: Add comments to the text box.
:more_options: View and select additional actions available based on the workspace object.

33 Available Fonts

Select to view the font list
  • Aleo
  • Architects Daughter
  • Balsamiq Sans
  • Barlow Semi Condensed
  • Bebas Neue
  • Caveat
  • Comfortaa
  • Cormorant Garamond
  • Cormorant
  • Fredoka One
  • Gruppo
  • Hepta Slab
  • Indie Flower
  • Inter
  • Josefin Slab
  • Lato
  • Merriweather
  • Montserrat
  • Nothing You Could Do
  • Noto Sans SC
  • Noto Serif
  • Open Sans
  • Overlock
  • Patrick Hand
  • Permanent Marker
  • Raleway
  • Roboto Slab
  • Rock Salt
  • Source Code Pro
  • Source Sans Pro
  • Yrsa
  • Zilla Slab

In addition to the Latin alphabet, Bluescape supports Japanese, Cyrillic, Greek, and Simplified Chinese.

Scaling text

You can scale your text using your mouse to drag the anchor points on the text box’s border.

  1. Select the :text: (Text) tool.

  2. Place the text box in your workspace.

  3. Enter your text.

  4. Select the text box to highlight it.

  5. Using your mouse, right-select and drag the corners to achieve the desired font size.
    Scaling text

Using the Reduce to fit text feature

By default, text entered in notecards and shapes auto-resizes itself based on the bounding box size.

  1. Create a shape or notecard, then enter text that exceeds the constraints of your object.

  2. Re-size the bounding box.

  • The text will size itself appropriately based on the bounding box size.

  • If you want to turn off the Text auto-resize feature, select your object, select the Font size option, and deselect the Reduce to fit option.


Now, go try it in your workspace! :bluescape_home: